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Seeking SQL Programmers!

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Seeking SQL Programmers!
Dear DBMAN Users,

I am seeking assistance with transferring two DBMAN projects into MySQL. If you have successfully transferred or are operating the DBMAN SQL version, and if you are interested in assisting one of my former clients with upgrading his DBMAN projects to MySQL, please send me an email message ASAP to eliot@anthrotech.com.

Unfortunately, I have taken a corporate job, which does not allow me to continue my consulting, design, and programming services via my personal company. So, I really need someone's assistance with helping my former client getting his databases transferred.

Thanks in advance.

(JPDeni, I apologize if this is an inappropriate Thread to post in this forum, but I do not have time to search through every Thread where SQL is discussed.)



Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C