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Modify record: Unable to find

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Modify record: Unable to find
I am having trouble getting the Modify to work properly. When I log in, and am taken to the main menu, I chose to modify my record, all is well, so far. The DB returns my record after the search for it. I then proceed to change a field and I am sent to the html_modify_failure subroutine because the DB can't find my record to modify. Something isn't getting set correctly somewhere.
I have made some changes to html.pl and default.cfg though that I thought I sould inform you of. I changed the db_key to the uid field. And some other minor html adjustments in html.pl. What is causing this? Thank you for your help!
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Re: Modify record: Unable to find In reply to
This problem usually results from not having a field in your html_record_form that corresponds to your $db_key field.
