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Just a note...

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Just a note...
Hi! I just well sort of thought of something and thought that i would share it with everyone. I guess everyone would know about it already but nonetheless this is what I discovered.

I recently found that some people have been using my database to get email addresses of the users and emailing to them which I consider to be a harassment. I decided then that I will hide the email addresses of the records except for the owner of the record and the admin staff.

So what I did was to add the following codes to html.pl in the html_records subroutine:

if ($per_admin | $db_userid eq $in{$db_key}) {
print qq|
whatever tags go here

The same goes for the Send Record Mod since I configured it to be able to be use by any registered user to email to anyone including people from outside. The record info would contain email address and the To: field would contain the email address of the record owner so again I inserted to codes to prevent people from abusing it.

if ($per_admin | $db_userid eq $in{$db_key}) {
$in{'to_email'} = "$rec{$db_email_field}\n"
else {$in{'to_email'} = "\n";}

I don't know whether what I'm doing would cause any problems but as far as I have tested it on my database it achieved its purpose and did not seem to cause any problem. But then again, I'm just a novice at perl and probably am missing somthing and who knows it may just crash my server. :)

Would appreciate any comments.
