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How can I do this??

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How can I do this??
I have a question about relational databases and logging in. I have a relational db setup and of course they use the same .pass file, but different .pl and .cfg files. Is it possible for someone to login to the default db and get access to the 2nd db without having to relogin, BUT....I would also need a seperate signup/login for the 2nd database for people who have not signed up in the default db. It seems like if I set the 2nd db to authentication needed, the users in the default db would have to login a 2nd time which I am trying to prevent, but if I set it to no authentication, this would give people who have not registered access which I dont want.

I thought about having an additional permission setup where only logged in users in the default db would have access to the link for the 2nd db, but that wont work since the link to the 2nd db always needs to be on all the pages so people who have not signed up yet can see it.

Does anyone know if this can work at all and if so, how? Thanks!
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Re: [wdu2002] How can I do this?? In reply to
They should be able to login and have access to all databases which use the same password file. You would just setup your links between the database to include:


What I do with relational database is direct all signups to the main database (in your case the default.db)

In your login forms just use:
<input type=hidden name="db" value="default">

If you are using the user friendly mod you can also setup a separate .pl file to hold the signup and login subs.

This will help to reduce the size of the html files but not having to duplicate the subs in all of them. I also include the admin display routine in my multi.pl file.

Hope this helps

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