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First Name & last name needed to search

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First Name & last name needed to search
Okay, here's my problem. I have a DB setup so that there is one field for first name and one for last name. I want to have DBMan generate a select menu of all the people in my database. I want it to list the names in alphabetical order by last name and then when one is clicked, the user can see the record of that person. How can I do that? I already have the two view_success pages working and I just need to get the generated elements on there working. HELP!!!! Feel free to email me at jgagne@s-t.com. I've got to do something with this tomorrow and make it live, so I need help ASAP! Thanks.
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Re: [jamesgagne] First Name & last name needed to search In reply to
Here's what I'd do:

1. Use the short/long dispay mod.

2. Set the max number of records to display (per page) to more than you have in your db (if db=100 records then set max records to 500)

3. Have a link to "view all" and use "so=LastName" to sort by. Then make your "short display" a pull down like this:

<OPTION VALUE="$rec{'ID'}">$rec{'LastName'}, $rec{'FirstName'}</OPTION>

This will dispaly last name and first name but reference the record in the db by ID number. You'll also need the mod to sort by multiple fields as well. Probably not a 1-day task. Perhaps someone else will have another method of accomplishing the same task...

Good Luck!
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Re: [Watts] First Name & last name needed to search In reply to
Where do I get the mods? This seems easy. I think I could do it in one day. Thanks for the quick reply.
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Re: [jamesgagne] First Name & last name needed to search In reply to
Check out LoisC's "Unofficial DBman FAQ". Its got a ton of stuff all broken down by category. - really impressive.

The URL is: http://redundantcartridge.com/dbman/
