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Differing record display in IE4 versus IE5 IE6 or Netscape

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Differing record display in IE4 versus IE5 IE6 or Netscape
A strange occurrence has happened which I cannot correct or explain. A customer is using an old version of IE 4 to view our website. In the database there are records which should display and records which should not display. I have checked the records that should display in IE 5 & 6 and have no problem with these, as well as Netscape 4 & 7. But in IE 4 when the customer requests list all some of the records which should not display do. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

I have written a small routine which checks for active versus expired listings. The main search process should only display active listings. I added the following code to my db.pl program just after the following line, as well as writing the sub below:

# If we are only allowed to view/mod our own record, then let's check here.
next LINE if ($restricted and ($db_userid ne $values[$auth_user_field]));

# Added by Alice Ervin, Ervin-White Resources, Inc.
# May 2003
# for an equip query (i.e., list_services or equip config file),
# the next code checks to see if you want to view
# only current listings (i.e., records not over 90 days based on
# Date_Modified) or only expired listings.

if (($in{'db'} eq "list_services") || ($in{'db'} eq "equip")) {
if ($in{'expired_records'} eq "1") {
$expired = &is_expired(@values);
next LINE if ($expired eq "false");
} else {
$expired = &is_expired(@values);
next LINE if ($expired eq "true");

The purpose of the above is to remove records from the record set if they are expired and you are searching for active listings, and vice versa.

sub is_expired {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# This sub-routine determines if an equip record has date deleted,
# a date_modified, and date created values. If it has a date created value
# that is greater than 6 mos old without a date modified value then it
# is an expired listing, even if there is no date deleted value.
# Added: November, 2003
# Written by Alice Ervin, Ervin-White Resources, Inc. for
# WillGo Website Enhancement project.
# =====================================================================

my (@rec, $expired, $sixmonth, $create, $date_create, $rec_del, $rec_mod, $rec_create);
my (@values) = @_;

$rec_del = $values[$record_delete_date];
$rec_mod = $values[$record_modify_date];
$rec_create = $values[$record_create_date];
$expired = "false";

$sixmonth = (time() - (3600 * 4320));
$create = &date_to_date($rec_create);

$date_create = &date_to_unix($create);

if ($rec_del == ""){
$rec_del = "no delete";

if ($rec_mod == ""){
$rec_mod = "no modify";

if ($date_create < $sixmonth) {
if (($rec_mod == "no modify") && ($rec_del == "no delete")) {
$expired = "true";
} else {
if (($rec_mod == "no modify") && ($rec_del == "no delete")) {
$expired = "true";

if ($rec_del ne "no delete") {
$expired = "true";


return $expired;