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DBMan - Display only version?

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DBMan - Display only version?
I've used the full DBMan for a number of applications, but find it overkill for my current need.

Would it be easy to strip DBMan down to version that could display records into a web page via a hard coded search in a server side include?

CSVRead does a decent job of this, but it doesn't have all the powerful search operators that DBMan does.
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Re: [NickA] DBMan - Display only version? In reply to
It's really not that much overhead... I'd leave it like it is and simply do the following:

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/default/default.cgi?db=default&uid=default&view_records=1&ID=*" -->

Under View_records you can strip out the headers and footers (the HTML part and the links at the bottom) and it should give you what you need.
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Re: [Watts] DBMan - Display only version? In reply to
Thanks for the reply Watts. Because DBMan is so well coded and commented, it only took about 30 minutes to strip it down to a single file display-only version! Performance-wise, I'm sure it's not much faster, but it's a cinch to install with only one file to upload.

Only thing I'm still looking for is a negative match or exclusion operator. I've seen a few posts asking for one, but haven't seen any working code...