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Chop Select list options

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Chop Select list options
My select field options were; 'Yes' and 'No', I need to change them to; 'No - not at this time' and "Yes - send me more information.... '.

I want the database to store only the Yes and No. I read about Perl's chop, is this a valid approach?
Or am I better off just storing the entire string "No - not at this time" in the database? I can see that I may run into problems getting the Build_select_field to show the correct value for existing records if the "No" in the database is not one of the options in the build_select_field.

Below I found on the unofficial FAQ, thanks! It works but I am interested in a better way.

Let's say My user can choose "Male" or "Female" in their input.
But I just want to print out "M" or "F" instead of the whole word.
Response: JPDeni

There are several ways to do this.

Probably the easiest way would be to add a couple of lines to your default.cfg file:

$gender{'Male'} = "M";
$gender{'Female'} = "F";

You really can put the lines anywhere you want to in the script. I'd probably put them somewhere around
where the radio fields are defined.

Then, in html_record, where you want to print out the gender, use


Change the Gender above to the actual field name you're using for the field.

There are other ways to do it, too -- using "if" statements or just printing out the first letter,
but that requires a little more understanding of Perl.