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Admin approval for new accounts

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Admin approval for new accounts
I've searched all over for this... the FAQs, the forums... I've found nothing that works.

What I'm wanting to do is to let users sign up for their own account, selecting their own password from the start, but before they can start adding records or modifying things, their account has to be approved by an admin. I know that people have said that you can just have a regular form asking for the info and then the Admin can manually add that user... but I would prefer that my Admins didn't see everyone's passwords. It just seems like DBMan should be able to do this. I don't know though. I don't know its limits Tongue

Any help is greatly appreciated! I have already gone to this:
from the FAQs and I have searched over the forum. Thanks guys!
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Re: [Reyhan] Admin approval for new accounts In reply to
set the default signup permission for adding records to 0; when the admin approves the signup, the admin will change the permission so they can add/modify records. if you don't want them to do anything until admin approves, set permissions to 0:0:0:0:0. if you want them to view, set permissions to 1:0:0:0:0
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Re: [Reyhan] Admin approval for new accounts In reply to
One way to go about this would be Wink:

- setup a signup.db used for user signup ONLY, user is emailed for confirmation (only way to confirm email entered is accurate), user can approve and set new password, admin is notified via email. - at this point user DOES NOT have access to main site.
- admin gets email note (new user signed up), admin logs in, reviews user, approves or rejects
- upon approval, user info is copied from signup.db to user.db, (password can be hidden) and email sent to user. Once finalized userinfo is removed from signup.db.