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New mods for LinksSQL

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New mods for LinksSQL
Still waiting ... i think about things i would like to have in future:
1. If the user-functions are getting better, we could have:
a) an extra table for all links a user have added to modify and delete.
b) an extra table with eg. 10 cats a user could choose for his personal startpage.
c) an extra table for all cats he want to be informed, when newsletter is send.
2. Adding only directly in cats, but haveing the pull-down for admin, editors!
Better choosing a special field for the cats, maybe multichoosen for areas; so all cats are to choose for admin (value 0); some in the member area (2) and some less for all users. To explain it better (my english is not the best)
I would like to have the add for special areas only with special cats. Some cats maybe without possibility to join in.
3. Buildin <tags> for:
Last x new at home; last x new for every cat from all subcats under it and/or shown the last x news for this cat (and subcats) linked to x new as said before.
4. Shown the number of entrees in the cat not only for the subcats.

Your ideas?