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download counter not accurate on mac

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download counter not accurate on mac
I have recently downloaded a download counter from focal media.

I have installed onto a unix server and tested in both mac and pc environments.

Works great on pc, but if I download a file from a mac, each download counts as 2.

Code below. Any ideas appreciated Smile


if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ne "") {

$temp = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};




read(STDIN, $temp, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});



foreach $item(@pairs)


($key,$content)=split (/=/,$item,2);

$content=~tr/+/ /;

$content=~ s/%(..)/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;






$fields{'download'} =~ s/\;//g;

$fields{'download'} =~ s/^\s+//g;

$fields{'download'} =~ s/\s+$//g;






$file_exists = (-e "$download_loc/$fields{'download'}");

if ($file_exists < 1)






#print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

$exists1 = (-e "$data_dir/index.idx");

if ($exists1 > 0)


open (DNL, "$data_dir/index.idx");

while (defined($line=<DNL>))


####### filename, Number of Downloads

($filename, $counter, $tmp) = split (/:-:/,$line, 3);

#print "$filename __ $counter __ $tmp <br>";

if ($filename eq "$fields{'download'}")



$towrite = $towrite . $filename . ":-:" . $counter . ":-:" . "\n";

$written = "true";




$towrite = $towrite . "$line"; #. "\n";



close (DNL);

if ($written ne "true")


open (DNL, ">> $data_dir/index.idx");

print DNL $fields{'download'} . ":-:" . "1" . ":-:" . "\n";

close (DNL);




open (DNL, "> $data_dir/index.idx");

print DNL $towrite;

close (DNL);





$counter = 1;

if ($written ne "true")


open (DNL, "> $data_dir/index.idx");

print DNL $fields{'download'} . ":-:" . "1" . ":-:" . "\n";

close (DNL);




$rfile = $fields{'download'};

$fields{'download'} =~ tr/./_/;

$fields{'download'} = $fields{'download'} . ".txt";

$ip_address = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};

$browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};

($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$ydat,$isdst) = localtime();


$year = 1900 + $year;

$today = $year . "-" . $mon . "-" . $mday . " " . $hour . ":" . $min . ":" . $sec;

open (DLD, ">> $data_dir/$fields{'download'}");


print DLD $fields{'weburl'} . ":-:" . $fields{'where'} . ":-:" . $fields{'name'} . ":-:" .


$fields{'email'} . ":-:" . $fields{'ml'} . ":-:" . $ip_address . ":-:" . $browser . ":-:" .


$today . ":-:\n";

close (DLD);

print "Location: $download_files/$rfile\n\n";


sub file_not_exist


print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print <<End_of_nexist;



<title>File Not Found</title>






<div align="center"><center>

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="400">


<td bgcolor="#000000"><table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%" cellpadding="6">


<td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFCC00" valign="top"><p align="center"><font face="Verdana"

size="2"><b>404 File Not Found</b></font></td>



<td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"><font face="Verdana" size="2"><b></b>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>

The file you requested could not be found. Please use the back button of your browser to

go back.<br>

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b></b></font></td>










Quote Reply
Re: [fluffyduck] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
I would be more inclined to use something like this;


use CGI;
my $IN = new CGI;

my $file = $IN->param('download');

my $read_write = $file;
$read_write =~ s/\//_/gi;
$read_write =~ s/ /_/gi;
$read_write =~ s/:/_/gi;
$read_write =~ s/http:\/\///gi;

# if this hasn't been counter before, then create a new file...
if (!-e $read_write) {

open(READFILES,">$read_write") || die $!;
print READFILES '1';

# redirect to the file...
print "Location: $file \n\n";

} else {

my $hits;
open(READFILES,"<$read_write") || die $!;
$hits = <READFILES>;


open(READFILES,">counter.cnt") || die $!;
print READFILES $hits;

# redirect to the file...
print "Location: $file \n\n";


Its untested.. but should work Smile


Andy (mod)
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Re: [Andy] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
Hmm that has quite a few lines of unneeded code, for example the following:

$read_write =~ s/\//_/gi;
$read_write =~ s/ /_/gi;
$read_write =~ s/:/_/gi;

...could be written as:

$read_write =~ y$ /:$_$/;

You can't have a difference in case in that specific regex either so the "i" is doing nothing.

Last edited by:

Recall: Dec 2, 2003, 9:29 AM
Quote Reply
Re: [Recall] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
True. Even this would work;

$read_write =~ s,(/| |:),_,g;


Andy (mod)
Want to give me something back for my help? Please see my Amazon Wish List
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Re: [Andy] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
tr/// or y/// gives better performance than a substitution, also using () captures the match as assigns it to $1 but you don't require it for anything so you should use either:

$read_write =~ s,(?:/| |:),_,g;

Or better would be to use a character class...

$read_write =~ s,[ /:],_,g;
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Re: [Recall] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
Smart arse ;-)


Andy (mod)
Want to give me something back for my help? Please see my Amazon Wish List
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Re: [Andy] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
Just trying to help.
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Re: [Recall] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
Thank you very much to both of you for your help.

Problem is i'm a bit disabled in Perl Crazy

I was hoping for someone to basically say 'Yeh, just change that line of code to this...' Smile

If any one knows how to modify the existing code, I would appreciate it. This code is being used along side another and I'm a bit hesitant to change any variable names.

Thanks again for your help. Cool
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Re: [fluffyduck] download counter not accurate on mac In reply to
It's very difficult to diagnose a problem with just a large block of code and no ability to debug.

However I would say that code is very bloated and not particularly well written and I'd consider changing to something else if I were you.

I've attached a brief sample of a counter. Maybe you can apply it for your needs.

Last edited by:

Recall: Dec 3, 2003, 5:24 PM