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could any one hlep me?

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could any one hlep me?
I have been frustrated for the problem as i could not find out what has been wrong.

The script is tested ok while after it failed after i uninstall a software, the perl script give me a error when i run it. any help would be greatly appreciated

Here is the error message:


Statement has no result columns to bind (perhaps you need to successfully call execute first) at H:\webtest\cgi-bin\eziaccess-demo\login.pl line 121.


the code is as following:


$sql_syntax = qq(SELECT ID, recipID, NAME FROM $table_recipient WHERE ( Sender_ID ='$sender_ID') );line 118

&SQL_EXE($dbh,$sql_syntax);#line 119

my( $ID, $recipID, $NAME);#line 120

$sth->bind_columns( undef, \$ID, \$recipID, \$NAME);#line 121

&Template($template_head);#line 122

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Re: [jack222] could any one hlep me? In reply to
From perldoc:

Calls /bind_col for each column of the SELECT statement. The bind_columns method will die if the number of references does not match the number of fields.

For maximum portability between drivers, bind_columns should be called after execute.

I believe you can change:

$sth->bind_columns( undef, \$ID, \$recipID, \$NAME);


$sth->bind_columns( undef, \($ID, $recipID, $NAME));


Last edited by:

RedRum: Jan 17, 2002, 2:48 AM
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Re: [RedRum] could any one hlep me? In reply to
Amazing. Redrum. I got your so fast reply.

Unfortunately the alternation is not work for me. The script orginally is worked. while it fails only after unisntalled a software. weather i accidently del a file while cause this problem? as i backup a copy of workable scirpt . Right now even i restore the workable script , it still not work for me.

any other reason? while your suggestion is appreciated. As i am not good at the scirpt programming, I need time to see the document you point me.
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Re: [jack222] could any one hlep me? In reply to
If possible could you attach the whole script to a post?

Here is the perldoc I pasted from:

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Re: [RedRum] could any one hlep me? In reply to
Here is the code:



## Program : login.pl
#### start setup ####
$template_login_form = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_login_form.html';
$template_head = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_head.html';
$template_foot = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_foot.html';
$template_template_maininfos1 = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_maininfos1.html';
$template_template_maininfos2 = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_maininfos2.html';

$template_show_data_for_members = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/data_for_members.html';
$template_head = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_head.html';
$template_enable_error = 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/template_enable_error.html';

#### end of setup ####

#### start program ####

use DBI;
require "H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/config.pl";
require "H:/webtest/cgi-bin/demo/module.pl";
require 'H:/webtest/cgi-bin/admin/smart.cfg';
require 'h:/webtest/cgi-bin/admin/cookie.lib';

# Get the date

$username = $input{'username'};
$password = $input{'password'};

print "Pragma: no-cache\n";
print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";

if (!$username || !$password) { &Template($template_login_form); exit; }
else { &Login(); }

#### end of program ####
#### Start sub program. Don't touch anything below ####

sub Login {
my $yes_members = '';
my $xusername = '';
my $xpassword = '';


# Check username and password
$sql_syntax = qq(SELECT USERNAME,PASSWORD FROM $table_sender WHERE (ACTIVE = 'NO'));
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$xusername = $ref->{USERNAME};
$xpassword = $ref->{PASSWORD};
if (($xusername eq $username) && ($xpassword eq $password)) { $yes_members = 1; last; }

#update database infos########################################
if (!$yes_members) { # Cannot find username to enable
else { # Store registration data to datable for confirmation
$sql_syntax =qq(
UPDATE $table_members
SET ACTIVE = 'YES', EMAIL = 'emailaddress'
WHERE (USERNAME = '$username')


$sql_syntax = qq(SELECT ID, sender_ID, NAME, EMAIL FROM $table_sender WHERE ( USERNAME = '$username'));
my( $ID, $sender_ID, $NAME, $EMAIL);
$sth->bind_columns( undef, \$ID, \$sender_ID, \$NAME, \$EMAIL );



while( $sth->fetch() )
# print "($ID) $NAME / $EMAIL / $sender_ID \n";

#print "<P>*$username $password the end of first login sender part------------------------------------------------------------------</P>\n\n";


#}####### has combine two in one

#############the start of recipient
$sql_syntax = qq(SELECT id, recipID, Name FROM $table_recipient WHERE ( Sender_ID ='$sender_ID') );
my( $id, $recipID, $Name);
#$sth->bind_columns ( undef, \ $id, \$recipID, \$Name );
$sth->bind_columns( undef, \($id, $recipID, $Name));


# See if they have a cart already, if not, make one
&check_file; ( TO CHECK COOKIE)
&list_items88; ### list all purchased item

#######the end of recipient data extract


<!-- TABLE II COLUMN II START ------------------------------>

<form action="http://buypro.homeip.net/...ip.pl?command=recip1" method="post" >
<center>请选择收货人的姓名<br>--------------------------<br> <br>
<input type="hidden" name="senderID" value='$sender_ID'>
* <select name="recip">
<option value=" " selected>从我的地址簿中选择收货人</option>
while( $sth->fetch() )
<option value="$recipID">$NAME</option>


<option value="newrecip" >**********>其它的收货人</option>

<input name type="submit" value=" next setp............. ">

#######the end of recipient data extract

#######the end of recipient data extract




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Re: [jack222] could any one hlep me? In reply to
###########sub routines

sub Template {
my ($template) = @_;
my $HTML="";

open (TEMPLATE, "$template") || die print "CAN NOT OPEN TEMPLATE FILE : $template : $!";
while(<TEMPLATE>) { $HTML .= $_; }

$HTML =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g;
print $HTML;

sub Indata {
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET"){ $buffer=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};}
elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST"){read(STDIN,$buffer,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});}
@pairs = split(/&/,$buffer);
foreach $pair (@pairs){
($name,$value) = split(/=/,$pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;

sub Remove_what_you_want {
local ($str) = @_;
$str =~s{[\r\t]}{}gi;
$str =~s/</&lt;/g;
$str =~s/>/&gt;/g;
$str =~s/\n/<br>/g;
return $str;


$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:$sql_driver:$sql_database:$sql_server","$sql_user","$sql_password");
if (!$dbh) {

$DATA.= qq(-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------);
$DATA.= qq(<br><br><b>Error</b> : ) . DBI::errstr . qq(<br><br>);
$DATA.= qq(-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------);
$DATA.= qq(<br><br><input type='button' name='back' value='<-- Back' onclick='javascript:history.back()'> );

print $DATA;
return $dbh;

sub SQL_EXE {
local ($dbh,$sql_syntax) = @_;

$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_syntax);
if (!$sth->execute) {
$DATA.= qq(-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------);
$DATA.= qq(<br><br><b>Error</b> : ) . $sth->errstr . qq(<br><br>);
$DATA.= qq(-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------);
$DATA.= qq(<br><br><input type='button' name='back' value='<-- Back' onclick='javascript:history.back()'> );

print $DATA;

#################below sub routine is for order cart processingsub
Quote Reply
Re: [RedRum] could any one hlep me? In reply to
Dear RedRum ,

I finally found that the mysql data has some problem. When i use sql dump,

i only get the relative table structure while has no actual data at all. while other table are function good.

i have see the data of that table and its field definition. and could not find any error, could you point me what is the possible reason ? I only could recall before the scripts fail, there is a unknow reason reboot, weather that reboot spoiled the table data?

