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This is urgently needed

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This is urgently needed
This request has been bluntly ignored on the other forums, maybe someone has mercy on me here?

what i need is the ability to have users
to moderate their own category on a community page using links 2, this would be easiest achieved
if each category could be password protected so only the moderator could add links to
a certain category.
if anyone could provide me with such a mod
i would barter it for a portal-account on my
i-go.to domain. any one interested

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Re: This is urgently needed In reply to

I don't see how you can say you were bluntly ignored. You said "if anyone could provide me with such a mod" and, apparently, no one has such a mod or are not willing to agree to your terms for creating one.

Normally, when such mods are desired, a person is "hired" to write the mod and paid money to do so. What you want to do is not minor; it would be a major mod because of what is involved (a lot of security).

The bottom line is, I don't think you are being ignored, bluntly or otherwise. It is just no one knows how to do it and have no mods like it.
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Re: This is urgently needed In reply to
so, i have used a wrong word, i am sorry
i learned english 25 years ago, as a german
i sometimes err in the choice of words. i didnt mean to say anything inapprobiate,
only tried to express that this quest of mine
was unanswered in the other forum, i havent
yet found out how to add the emoticons to the posts. mea culpa, please be more patient with us foreigners. now at least i
got an answer, which i expected at least. not very encouraging though.
love klaus
