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SSL and Parsing Forms... Need Help, Alex? :)

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SSL and Parsing Forms... Need Help, Alex? :)
Hi all

I'm trying to do script to connect to a online credit card processing company, but I don't want to send the users directly to then since my webserver it's in portuguese and there system it's in english.

This script scripts receive the POST request from a form and it should connect to the credit card processing company but it's not parsing the data correctly:

require Net::SSL;
read(STDIN, $data, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

$sock = Net::SSL->new(PeerAddr => "secure.creditcardcompany.com", PeerPort => 443) | | die "Can't connect";


$sock->print("POST /cgi-bin/script.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\n");
$sock->print("Accept: www/source\n");
$sock->print("Accept: text/html\n");
$sock->print("Accept: text/plain\n");
$sock->print("User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\n");
$sock->print("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n");
$sock->print("Content-length: $mlength\n\n");

while ($sock->read($buf, 1024)) {

The answer I receive it's "Sorry -- this order form cannot be processed. The merchant identification is missing or invalid. Please inform the merchant of the problem."
And I know that the information in the form it's correct because if I send it directly to the credit card company it works fine, so the problem is in the way the script it's sending the information.
Can anyone help? Smile

Rogerio Morais

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Re: SSL and Parsing Forms... Need Help, Alex? :) In reply to

I noticed in your:
There were no quotes?
Do you hope it could be that easy to replace it with:

Other than that...I don't know! But I would be interested in taking a look at your code when you get it to work. I have been trying to figure out how to do what you are doing for Authorize.NET and iTransact. I mean I got them integrated and all but I'd like to cut out the step of having the store visitors seeing the CC Processors ugly pages. If you could let me take a look when it is completed I'd really owe you one!

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Re: SSL and Parsing Forms... Need Help, Alex? :) In reply to
Hi Phoule

The problem wasn't that. Frown
But you can use the code freely. No problem with that. To iTransact just change the:
PeerAddr => "secure.redi-check.com"


$sock->print("POST /cgi-bin/rc3/ord.cgi HTTP/1.0\n\n");

For Authorizenet it's:
PeerAddr => "www.authorize.net"


$sock->print("POST /scripts/authnet25/AuthRequest.asp HTTP/1.0\n");

Now what we need is "just" a way to parse the form information and sending it to the credit card server in the correct way. Smile

Rogerio Morais
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Re: SSL and Parsing Forms... Need Help, Alex? :) In reply to
It looks good to me. What I would do is test it out on your own server. Create a script like:

use CGI;
my $in = new CGI;
print $in->header('text/plain');
foreach ($in->param) {
print "$_ => ", $in->param($_), "\n";
# ----------------------------

and then try posting to that using the SSL script and see what comes out.

Hope that helps,

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Re: SSL and Parsing Forms... Need Help, Alex? :) In reply to
Hi Alex, thank you for your reply.

I try another approch to the problem. And it seens like it works.
I just want to confirm if it sends the information throught SSL:

use LWP::UserAgent;
use CGI;

read(STDIN, $data, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/4.0" . $ua->agent);

my $req = new HTTP::Request POST => 'https://secure.redi-check.com/cgi-bin/rc3/ord.cgi';
my $results = $ua->request($req);

Rogerio Morais