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Perl Tk , MainLoop, destroy function problem

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Perl Tk , MainLoop, destroy function problem

I am making an aplication gui using Tk::HList which will get updated every 5 secs. The application is reading a text file which is getting updated every second.

I am attaching the code (report.pl) here and also the text file. The code has two while loops. The inner while loop works fine, but the outer while loop which is responsible for reading the file every 5 secs is not working. After every 5 secs I am trying to destroy the Tk objects and re-constructing them again.
Please comment out the outer while loop (while($loop==1)) to see how it works and then comment it back to see the problem I am facing. Please help.

I am running it as follows for a particular user say alex as :

report.pl alex

The code is below :

use Tk;
use Tk::HList;
use Tk::ItemStyle;
my $user = $ARGV[0];
my $hash = {};
my ($tool,$issued,$use,$vendor,$feature);
#gui variables
my ($hl,$ok,$alert);
# Making the Gui
my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $userframe = $mw->Frame(-width=>5,-height=>10)->pack(-side=>'top',-anchor=>'nw');
$userframe->Label(-text => "USER: $user")->pack(-anchor => 'nw',-padx => 0);
my $hlistframe = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1);

my $loop = 1;
while ($loop == 1)
open(FP, "<file.txt");
if(/^Users of (\w+):\s+\(Total of ([0-9]+) licenses issued;\s+Total of ([0-9]+) (licenses|license) in use/)
($tool,$issued,$use) = ($1,$2,$3);
if (/^\s+$user(.*)/){
$hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{tool} = $tool;
$hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{issued} = $issued;
$hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{inuse} = $use;
#print Dumper($hash);
$hl = $hlistframe->Scrolled('HList',
-scrollbars => 'ose',
-columns =>4 ,
-header => 1,
-width => 100,
-command => sub {print "AAA\n";},
-selectmode => 'browse',
)->pack(-fill => 'both',-expand =>1 );

my $label1 = $hl->Label(-text => "Tool", -anchor => 'w');
$hl->headerCreate(0,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label1);
my $label3 = $hl->Label(-text => "Available", -anchor => 'w');
$hl->headerCreate(1,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label3);
my $label4 = $hl->Label(-text => "checkedout", -anchor => 'w');
$hl->headerCreate(2,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label4);
my $label5 = $hl->Label(-text => "checkedout%", -anchor => 'w');
$hl->headerCreate(3,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label5);
$ok = $hl->ItemStyle('text', -selectforeground =>'black', -anchor =>'center',-background =>'green');
$alert = $hl->ItemStyle('text', -selectforeground =>'black', -anchor =>'center',-background =>'red');
my $path = 0;
for my $toolkey (sort keys %{$hash->{$user}})
sleep 5; #not working
$hl->destroy; #not working
sub _insertData
my $path = shift;
my $tool = shift;
my $availbl = $hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{issued};
my $chk = $hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{inuse};
$hl->itemCreate($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{tool});
$hl->itemCreate($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{issued});
$hl->itemCreate($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{inuse});
my ($percent_lic_co,$color)= calculate_percent($availbl,$chk);
$hl->itemCreate($path,3,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$tool}->{inuse}, -style => $color);
sub calculate_percent
my $avail = shift;
my $co = shift;
my $percent = ($co * 100)/$avail ;
$percent = sprintf "%.2f", $percent;
my $color;
if($percent > 90)
$color = $alert;
$color = $ok;
return ($percent,$color);


The text file (file.txt) is having following content :

Users of nspice_apl: (Total of 20 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of nspice_sv: (Total of 20 licenses issued; Total of 2 licenses in use)
"nspice_sv" v9999.99, vendor: apache
floating license
alex vihlc22 /dev/pts/12 (v2002.7) (xyz.com/330 312), start Wed 1/16 15:15
alex vihlc522 /dev/pts/12 (v2002.7) (yxz.com/330 312), start Wed 1/16 15:15

Users of redhawk: (Total of 3 licenses issued; Total of 3 licenses in use)

"redhawk" v9999.99, vendor: apache<br\>
floating license
martin sinlc112 /dev/pts/9 (v2002.7) (xyz.com/330 220), start Mon 1/14 12:26
martin vihlc522 /dev/pts/12 (v2002.7) (xyz/330 312), start Wed 1/16 15:15
alex vihlc008 /dev/pts/10 (v2002.7) (xyz.com/330 198), start Mon 2/4 18:23