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How can I kill CGI process before it times my site out?

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How can I kill CGI process before it times my site out?
The situation is:

I'm getting information off of another server, recombining it, blah blah blah. My issue is that sometimes the site does not respond (his server bites). When this happens--MY script times out and returns nothing to the user.

I'd like to fail the GET after so many seconds have passed.

Thank you.
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Re: [syeago] How can I kill CGI process before it times my site out? In reply to
If you are on unix, see

perldoc -f alarm


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Re: [Alex] How can I kill CGI process before it times my site out? In reply to
  eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required
alarm $timeout;
$nread = sysread SOCKET, $buffer, $size;
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
# timed out
else {
# didn't

Found this--it is greek to me. How would one integrate it to fail a call?