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Duplicate check

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Duplicate check
It seems you don't like me in this forum.... I posted twice but you did not send any answer. ehhehhehe!
However I have another question for you.
I would like to print a list ...getting it form a database $var[x]. NO PROBLEM so far!!
The problem is that I would like to check if there are duplicates and print only one of the fields.

ex. if the script founds more that 1 records containing the same word it should print it only once. I don't want to print all the lines if they are the same.


Looking forward to hearing form you soon.
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Re: Duplicate check In reply to
Try adding a reply to your original Thread before posting duplicate Threads. People, myself included, do not respond well to people who post duplicate Threads in public web forums.

Anyway...where are you trying to check for this occurence? Could you please provide the codes that you are using, so that we can help you? If this is Gossamer Threads script you are using, you should really post this type of question in the appropriate SCRIPT forum.


Eliot Lee
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