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Detect alphabet input

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Detect alphabet input

How can I make an input string come out to be ALPHABET ONLY ( a,b,c,...x,y, and z ONLY) (maybe the numbers from 0-9 too) and return error message if it has ANY weird character : such as: $ & ` % ^ ~ / \ = ...

Thank you all in advance!
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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
I think this will work.

unless ($test =~ /^(\w|\s)+$/) {
print "error";

The above will also allow spaces. If you don't want spaces either, use

unless ($test =~ /^\w+$/) {
print "error";


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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
Hi Carol,

Any chance of you explaining why? Doesn't matter if you don't have the time or just picked it up from somewhere, but I reckon that's why I'm having problems with regular expressions, I need them explained to me.

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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
You want an explanation of the regular expression? Well, I'm not too handy with them either, but I'll give it a shot.

The \w means "any word character" -- which is any letter of the alphabet or digit.

The \s means "any whitespace character" -- which is spaces and carriage returns.

The | means "or."

The ^ means "starts with" and the $ means "ends with." The "+" means -- well, I'm sure exactly what it means, but I know it works. Smile It has to do with the middle, anyway.

What happens when you use "^\w+$" is that it will only accept word characters. The other one here -- "^(\w|\s)+$" -- only accepts word or whitespace characters. You can do the same thing with digits -- "^\d+$". You can probably also do it with specific letters, but I haven't tested that out yet. I'm guessing here, but to test whether a string consisted of nothing but vowels, for example, you could probably use "^(a|e|i|o|u)+$".

All of this is trial and error -- lots of trials, most of which end in error. Smile I usually write little Perl scripts and test them on my home computer to see if the syntax is right.


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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
Excellent, that's a nice start to my tuition. Thanks Carol, yer a star. Now, how much do I owe you? Just charge it to my usual account. Smile

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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
Here's a start: http://www.codebits.com/p5be/ch10.cfm . I'd also highly recommend picking up a copy of Mastering Regular Expressions, by Jeffery Freidl, available from O'Rielly & Associates.

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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
You're welcome, Adam.

Thank you, Mark. I've been looking for a page like that, but I guess the search engines I tried missed it. I've got it bookmarked now, though.

"Mastering Regular Expressions" is the next book on my to-buy list.


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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
Hate to nitpick, but:

The \w means "any word character" -- which is any letter of the alphabet or digit.

or underscore. =)



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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
Caught me again, Alex. Smile Yep, that ol' underscore is there, too. So if he didn't want the underscore or spaces, it would be



And if he did want spaces, just add a space within the brackets?

/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$/

(I'm gonna get these things figured out one o' these days!)


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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
Looks right! I generally use \s for spaces instead of just a space, but either should work.


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Re: Detect alphabet input In reply to
But doesn't \s also allow \n and some other characters? If he didn't want a newline to be added, he'd have to specifically mention the space by itself. (I'm looking at "Learning Perl" now and it says that \s covers

Now am I nit-picking? Wink
