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Combining While Statements

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Combining While Statements
Hi All,

I have the following code in a script. and im trying to print the renewal date $renewdate, but to do this i have combined the while statements. it prints the page but with no info.

If i # the second while statement, it prints all the info but not including the $renewdate (obviousley)

Is the syntax correct for the while statements, and or can i combine the queries into one, (i've tried to combine but always get a 500 error)

################ getting next url according to the action type ###########
my ($query,$frm_action,$head_msg,$input_field,$select_name);
if($action_type eq "list_all_dm")
$query = qq{select * from order_d,order_m where order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and order_d.domain_reg="y" order by order_m.order_id };
$head_msg = "<br><br><font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>Below is a list of all your Registered Domain Names.</font><br><br>";

################ end of getting next url according to the action type ###########

######### getting renew_mails_tp from conf_table ############
my $query_conf = qq{select renew_mails_tp from conf_table };
my $ret_mysql_conf = select_query($query_conf);
my @queryresult_conf = $ret_mysql_conf->fetchrow_array();
######### end of getting renew_mails_tp from conf_table ############

############ getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############
my $query_domain = qq{select * from order_d, order_m where DATE_SUB(domain_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR) and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and domain_reg="y" };
#print "query_domain = " . $query_domain . "<br>";
my $ret_mysql_domain = select_query($query_domain);
my $numrows_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->rows;
my @queryresult_domain;
############ end of getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############

############ getting all the domains returned by the query ##############
my $ret_mysql = select_query($query);
my $numrows = $ret_mysql->rows;
my @queryresult;
if($numrows < 1)
print "<font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>There are no Registered Domains.</font><br><br>";
############ getting all the domains returned by the query ##############

print $head_msg;
print "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>";

print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Domain Name</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Registered On</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>For Years</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Renewal Date</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Hosting Plan</td>";
print "</tr>";

while (@queryresult = $ret_mysql->fetchrow_array())
while (@queryresult_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->fetchrow_array())
print "<tr>";
my $dm = getDomain($queryresult[3]);
my $newdate = &_unix_to_link_date($queryresult[6]);
my $pl_name = getPlanName($queryresult[7]);
my $renewdate = getDomainRenewalDate($queryresult_domain[6]);
print "<td align=left>$queryresult[2]$dm</td>";
print "<td align=left>$newdate</td>";
print "<td align=left>$queryresult[4]</td>";
print "<td align=left>$renewdate</td>";
print "<td align=left>$pl_name</td>";
print "</tr>";

}#end of while
}##end of second while

print "</table>";



No doubt i'll be back for more answers!
Quote Reply
Re: [mdj1] Combining While Statements In reply to
Please try reformatting your codes, and using [code][/code] tags to show the code. Its impossible to make any real sense of the structure etc in its current layout.


Andy (mod)
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Quote Reply
Re: [Andy] Combining While Statements In reply to

################ getting next url according to the action type ###########
my ($query,$frm_action,$head_msg,$input_field,$select_name);
if($action_type eq "list_all_dm")
$query = qq{select * from order_d,order_m where order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and order_d.domain_reg="y" order by order_m.order_id };
$head_msg = "<br><br><font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>Below is a list of all your Registered Domain Names.</font><br><br>";

################ end of getting next url according to the action type ###########

######### getting renew_mails_tp from conf_table ############
my $query_conf = qq{select renew_mails_tp from conf_table };
my $ret_mysql_conf = select_query($query_conf);
my @queryresult_conf = $ret_mysql_conf->fetchrow_array();
######### end of getting renew_mails_tp from conf_table ############

############ getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############
my $query_domain = qq{select * from order_d, order_m where DATE_SUB(domain_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR) and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and domain_reg="y" };
#print "query_domain = " . $query_domain . "<br>";
my $ret_mysql_domain = select_query($query_domain);
my $numrows_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->rows;
my @queryresult_domain;
############ end of getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############

############ getting all the domains returned by the query ##############
my $ret_mysql = select_query($query);
my $numrows = $ret_mysql->rows;
my @queryresult;
if($numrows < 1)
print "<font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>There are no Registered Domains.</font><br><br>";
############ getting all the domains returned by the query ##############

print $head_msg;
print "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>";

print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Domain Name</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Registered On</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>For Years</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Renewal Date</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Hosting Plan</td>";
print "</tr>";

while (@queryresult = $ret_mysql->fetchrow_array())
#while (@queryresult_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->fetchrow_array())
print "<tr>";
my $dm = getDomain($queryresult[3]);
my $newdate = &_unix_to_link_date($queryresult[6]);
my $pl_name = getPlanName($queryresult[7]);
my $renewdate = getDomainRenewalDate($queryresult_domain[6]);
print "<td align=left>$queryresult[2]$dm</td>";
print "<td align=left>$newdate</td>";
print "<td align=left>$queryresult[4]</td>";
print "<td align=left>$renewdate</td>";
print "<td align=left>$pl_name</td>";
print "</tr>";

}#end of while
#}##end of second while

print "</table>";


No doubt i'll be back for more answers!
Quote Reply
Re: [mdj1] Combining While Statements In reply to
Can anyone tell me why the $renewdomain will not print anything, i have it working fine on other pages in the site i just cant get it to print on this one, Im starting to go bald now!!

################ getting next url according to the action type ###########
my ($query,$query_conf,$query_domain,$frm_action,$head_msg,$input_field,$select_name);
if($action_type eq "list_all_dm")
$query = qq{select * from order_d,order_m where order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and order_d.domain_reg="y" order by order_m.order_id };
$query_conf = qq{select renew_mails_tp from conf_table };
$query_domain = qq{select * from order_d,order_m where DATE_SUB(domain_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR) and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and order_d.domain_reg="y" };
$head_msg = "<br><br><font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>Below is a list of all your Registered Domain Names.</font><br><br>";

################ end of getting next url according to the action type ###########

######### getting renew_mails_tp from conf_table ############
#my $query_conf = qq{select renew_mails_tp from conf_table };
my $ret_mysql_conf = select_query($query_conf);
my @queryresult_conf = $ret_mysql_conf->fetchrow_array();
######### end of getting renew_mails_tp from conf_table ############

############ getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############
#my $query_domain = qq{select * from order_d, order_m where DATE_SUB(domain_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR) and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and domain_reg="y" };
#print "query_domain = " . $query_domain . "<br>";
my $ret_mysql_domain = select_query($query_domain);
my $numrows_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->rows;
my @queryresult_domain;
############ end of getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############

############ getting all the hosting plans whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############
#my $query_plan = qq{select * from order_d, order_m where DATE_SUB(plan_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL plan_duration_mnth MONTH) and plan_id<>"0" and plan_id<>"" and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id};
#print "query_plan = " . $query_plan . "<br>";
my $ret_mysql_plan = select_query($query_plan);
my $numrows_plan = $ret_mysql_plan->rows;
my @queryresult_plan;
############ end of getting all the hosting plans whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############

############ getting all the domains returned by the query ##############
my $ret_mysql = select_query($query);
my $numrows = $ret_mysql->rows;
my @queryresult;
if($numrows < 1)
print "<font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>There are no Registered Domains.</font><br><br>";
############ getting all the domains returned by the query ##############

print $head_msg;
print "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr>";

print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Domain Name</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Registered On</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>For Years</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Hosting Plan</td>";
print "<td class='tblhead' width='20%'>Renewal Date</td>";
print "</tr>";

while (@queryresult = $ret_mysql->fetchrow_array())

print "<tr>";
my $dm = getDomain($queryresult[3]);
my $newdate = &_unix_to_link_date($queryresult[6]);
my $pl_name = getPlanName($queryresult[7]);

print "<td align=left>$queryresult[2]$dm</td>";
print "<td align=left>$newdate</td>";
print "<td align=left>$queryresult[4]</td>";
print "<td align=left>$pl_name</td>";
}#end of while

while (@queryresult_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->fetchrow_array())

my $renewdate = getDomainRenewalDate($queryresult_domain[6]);


print "<td align=left>$renewdate</td>";

print "</tr>";

}##end of second while

print "</table>";


No doubt i'll be back for more answers!
Quote Reply
Re: [mdj1] Combining While Statements In reply to
Do you mean $renewdate? If not, then you have not declared $renewdomain in the codes you posted.
Buh Bye!

Quote Reply
Re: [Stealth] Combining While Statements In reply to
Yes sorry $renewdate


No doubt i'll be back for more answers!