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Can someone help me (who is perl dummies) a little?

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Can someone help me (who is perl dummies) a little?
Hello all,

Can someone help me how can I solve this problem??

"When the script was involved without using a form, i.e., without any parameters, the script would produce an HTML form that has an text field and a submit button. When the user enter an integer in the text field and then press the submit button, it would involve the Web script. Then another HTML form would be generated which contains the integer just entered together with a text field and a submit button. Then, the process can continue indefinitely with each time the new HTML form contains all the numbers that have been typed before and a text field and a submit button"

I've write a .pl scipt but every time I click the "submit" button the "fresh" values will overwrites the previous one.

Can someone help me?

Many thanks

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Re: [samsong_2002] Can someone help me (who is perl dummies) a little? In reply to
Do you mean that you want to enter, say 3 and on the next page you'll see 3, then you enter 5 and on the next page you'll see 35...etc?
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Re: [Paul] Can someone help me (who is perl dummies) a little? In reply to
HI Paul,

Yes. : )
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Re: [samsong_2002] Can someone help me (who is perl dummies) a little? In reply to
You need to use that redundant hidden field you have :)

Store the variable as the hidden field value and then you can do:

<input type="hidden" name="hidden" value="$Info">

$Info .= param('hidden');

....make sure you add:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
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Re: [Paul] Can someone help me (who is perl dummies) a little? In reply to
Many Thanks!!

I think I can solve this problem. But how can I get rid of &hidden followed by the integer??
