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Adding x years to date and displaying

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Adding x years to date and displaying
Hi Guys.

Ive followed a post on here.


And managed to get my date displaying correctly.

What i want to do now is add x ammount of years to the date and display this date.

I have a field in a table called domain_period_yr which is listed as a numerical value 1, 2, 3, etc. i want to add these years to the initial date and display this.

Can this be done?


No doubt i'll be back for more answers!
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Re: [mdj1] Adding x years to date and displaying In reply to
You could do it in mysql:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(your_date_col, INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR), "however you want it formatted") FROM your_table

See: http://www.mysql.com/..._time_functions.html for how to format it.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] Adding x years to date and displaying In reply to

I have the following,

my $query_domain = qq{select * from order_d, order_m where DATE_SUB(domain_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR) and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and domain_reg="y" };
#print "query_domain = " . $query_domain . "<br>";
my $ret_mysql_domain = select_query($query_domain);
my $numrows_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->rows;
my @queryresult_domain;

Which works just the way i want, displaying all the info i need, except the renewal date. which i think is worked out in the query, but how do i display it?

Or am i wrong?


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Re: [mdj1] Adding x years to date and displaying In reply to
OK, OK, ignore the last post.

This is what i have set up as a sub in my sub file.

sub getRenewalDate
my($renewal_date) = @_;


my $query = qq{SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(domain_date, INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR), "%D,%m,%Y") FROM order_d};
my $ret_mysql = select_query($query);
my @queryresult;
@queryresult = $ret_mysql->fetchrow_array();

return $queryresult[0];

}#end of getRenewalDate subroutine

Then in my working file i have the following query which displays the domains due for renewal for the specific user.

############ getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############
my $query_domain = qq{select * from order_d, order_m where DATE_SUB(domain_date,INTERVAL $queryresult_conf[0] DAY) <= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL domain_period_yr YEAR) and order_m.order_id=order_d.order_id and order_m.user_id=$user_id and domain_reg="y" };
#print "query_domain = " . $query_domain . "<br>";
my $ret_mysql_domain = select_query($query_domain);
my $numrows_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->rows;
my @queryresult_domain;
############ end of getting all the registered domains whose days left from expiration=renew_mails_tp in table order_d ##############

The following then displays this to the user.

print "<br><br><font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size><b>Pending Domains</b></font>";
print "<table border=1 cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' width='90%'>";
while (@queryresult_domain = $ret_mysql_domain->fetchrow_array())

print "<tr>";
my $dm = getDomain($queryresult_domain[3]);
my $newdate = &_unix_to_link_date($queryresult[10]);
my $renewdate = getRenewalDate($queryresult_domain[6]);
print "<td><font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size><a href=order_plan_hosting.pl?order_recur_id=$queryresult_domain[0]&order_section=recur_domain>$queryresult_domain[2]$dm</a></td>";
print "<td><font face=$normal_font_style size=$normal_font_size>$renewdate</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";

But the problem is $renewdate displays the correct date, but only of the last entry in the database and not the users domain.

I though that it would only work it out based on the $queryresult_domain but im obviously missing something to get it to display the date for the domain in question. Can someone tell me what?


No doubt i'll be back for more answers!
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Re: [mdj1] Adding x years to date and displaying In reply to

What an idiot!!

changed my($renewal_date) = @_; to my($domain_date) = @_;

added, where domain_date="$domain_date"

well, thats what you get for working at 4:45am!!!!

All working now!


No doubt i'll be back for more answers!