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SQL Inconsistency "column ambiguously defined"

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SQL Inconsistency "column ambiguously defined"
I'm using SQL*Plus: Release with Oracle 8i.

I'm relatively to SQL and am failing to understand how the following could be possible:

When I run this query:
select jid, jname, pid, pname, qty
from s, p, j, spj
where s.sid = spj.sid and
p.pid = spj.pid and
j.jid = spj.jid

sql*plus reports:
select jid, jname, pid, pname, qty
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined

I couldn't understand this, since the SELECT clause is evaluated last (according to the SQL spec). Therefore, when the SELECT clause is evaluated, it will be operating on a table returned by the remainder of the query which WILL have a column name PID.

This query shed some light:

select *
from s, p, j, spj
where s.sid = spj.sid and
p.pid = spj.pid and
j.jid = spj.jid

So the join of the four table's does in fact return duplicate columns (there are two SID, PID and JID columns). It seems to defy the definition of a relational JOIN.

Now for my main question (sorry for all the rhetoric). I know that this query will return the result I want (A JOIN over the 4 tables):

select j.jid, j.jname, p.pid, p.pname, spj.qty
from s, p, j, spj
where s.sid = spj.sid and
p.pid = spj.pid and
j.jid = spj.jid

Why do I have to sepecify SELECT <table>.<column name>, ...??? Since as I mentioned earlier, the select stament is evaluated last and (to my mind) should not have (or need) knowledge of the original tables that contributed to the result it is operating on?

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sw@T: May 26, 2003, 3:19 AM
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Re: [sw@T] SQL Inconsistency "column ambiguously defined" In reply to
The reason is that you are joining multiple tables with the same column name, so you have to define the column by its originating table name. Since you are joining on primary and foreign keys, you need to specify which originating table (ideally where the PK is located) in order to pull the correct column from the correct table.

I would suggest buying SQL for Dummies...it is a good reference for beginner SQL programmers.
Buh Bye!
