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Re: I've been converted and have some questions?

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I guess you could duplicated the build_category subroutine, call it build_cat_reversed or something like that, and then make a call to it after build_cat.

It would add the same amount of time to the build that the category build takes.

Again, though, I would have to say with the new release so close, making code changes to code that is almost certainly going to change in the next release (which is less than 2 weeks away now) isn't extremely prudent. It may lock you into the 1.11 release for longer than necessary, when you could upgrade to all the new features and add this in to the next version.

Some things aren't going to change much. Templates, minor code tweaks, etc. But other things will. Right now it's best to get familiar with your site, and make a list of things you'd want to do differently, or to change, and work on your templates, and understanding how Links does things a little.

Then, when the new release comes out, see what you can implement easily, and what is going to require more in depth code changes.

Some things, such as Admin features may be easier to make, with the plug-in concept. They should also be portable across future versions. The user management/logon/sessions stuff will be more complete, and it will be able to tie in with other products. That's cool to say, but until you see the table changes and the code that does it, you really can't start coding any applications to use it -- but you can sketch out the functionality you'd WISH it would have. Make sense?

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

Subject Author Views Date
Thread I've been converted and have some questions? mdj1 2334 Jun 16, 2000, 8:24 PM
Thread Re: I've been converted and have some questions?
pugdog 2246 Jun 16, 2000, 10:40 PM
Thread Re: I've been converted and have some questions?
mdj1 2239 Jun 17, 2000, 10:39 AM
Thread Re: I've been converted and have some questions?
mdj1 2228 Jun 17, 2000, 10:57 AM
Thread Re: I've been converted and have some questions?
pugdog 2225 Jun 18, 2000, 8:07 AM
Post Re: I've been converted and have some questions?
mdj1 2212 Jun 18, 2000, 11:39 AM