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Modify a record -- DBSQL.pm

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Modify a record -- DBSQL.pm
I want to let users modify their record by themselves (and I don't have to validate it). So I use this in modify.cgi:
$db = new Links: BSQL "$LINKS{admin_root_path}/defs/Links.def";
$db->modify_record ($rec) or &site_html_modify_failure ( { Category => $category, error => $Links: BSQL::error, %in }, $dynamic) and return;
There were 9 records in my Links Table. At first, I could modify every record through modify.cgi.
Then, I deleted ID:1,2,5,7 through admin. The followings were left: 3, 4, 6, 8, 9.
I tried to modify them through modify.cgi. I successfully modified ID:4,
but when I tried to modify ID:3, there was error message: The requested record was not found in the database.
Then I tried ID: 8 and failed(same error message). So I Re-Index, then i found I couldn't modify any record (even ID:3).
Then I added a record through add.cgi(It was ID:10). I successfully modified ID:10 through modify.cgi, then I Re-Index, and I couldn't modify ID:10.

How do I fix this? Thank you.

[This message has been edited by Fortune (edited February 17, 2000).]
Subject Author Views Date
Thread Modify a record -- DBSQL.pm Fortune 1341 Feb 16, 2000, 10:37 PM
Post Re: Modify a record -- DBSQL.pm
Fortune 1276 Feb 17, 2000, 10:43 PM