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Re: Rating multi view-point

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Anything is possible Wink

Once the LinkSQL 1.1 stable is released, I think you'll all see a lot of mods, fixes, changes, add ons, etc.

Right now, things are still too much in flux. Alex has bitten off more than he can easily chew (think about it literally). He's trying to fit it all in, and because of that it's a lot harder than tackling one job at a time.

Once this dust settles, those of us who have specific ideas and needs will be releasing code, hints, and help.

The problem is until EVERYONE is using the same base version of LinkSQL and we all have a single reference point, it's really too complex to try to help everyone.

It will all come together shortly.

If Alex has to back off from some features, like the editors and users and cookies, to get all the other features working, I'd vote for that! Stabilize the database structure, polish the install and set up routines, get the searches and builds and dynamic pages working, release 1.1.

Then, with all of that done, work on 1.2 which will have the bug/feature fixes from 1.1 and the new additions of users/editors/cookies, etc.

Those should be add-ins not changes, so that the 1.1 features and databases will not change, but new modules and routines will be added to the existing files.

This 1.1 release has so many new features, it's almost a 2.0 -- and that is more than Alex should have tried to bite off -- and it's probably stressing him out Smile

Back off a bit Alex, release the 1.1 version with all the framework and main features polished up. Then concentrate on the extra features and release 1.2 or even 2.0....

You don't realize (or maybe you do, but didn't want to admit it) that all those extras and the changes to the database have taken LinkSQL 1.0 to LinkSQL 2.0 in one jump... and that's more than any programming team -- much less one or two persons can do in one jump.
Subject Author Views Date
Thread Rating multi view-point mact 1539 Nov 21, 1999, 8:30 PM
Post Re: Rating multi view-point
pugdog 1491 Nov 21, 1999, 9:58 PM