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how do I extract complexes from PDB site?

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how do I extract complexes from PDB site?
can anyone help me? I have to extract protein complexes from PDB site www.rcsb.org
by using perl programming. After extracting them I have to store them in a file .
But I dnt know how can I make a loop and then get all the complexes one by one in a file.
This all I have to do with perl programming....& for that I developed a programm...bt it is not working.....
#my programm

use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1);
headerQueryForm => 'search',
fields => {'radioset' =>'Structures',},
fields => { 'inputQuickSearch' =>'protein complexes',},
button => 'search now'
my $results = $mech->content;
my @pdb;
while ($results == 'Sperm whale myoglobin mutant T67R S92D')
push @pdb,$1;

# open(FH, ">print.pdb");
# print FH $mech;
# close(FH);

please help me out............

Subject Author Views Date
Thread how do I extract complexes from PDB site? Tripti Vijay 4578 Feb 20, 2006, 4:01 AM
Thread Re: [Tripti Vijay] how do I extract complexes from PDB site?
mkp 4361 Feb 26, 2006, 6:14 AM
Thread Re: [mkp] how do I extract complexes from PDB site?
Tripti Vijay 4365 Feb 27, 2006, 1:08 AM
Post Re: [Tripti Vijay] how do I extract complexes from PDB site?
mkp 4339 Feb 27, 2006, 4:32 AM