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case insensitive user name

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case insensitive user name
When a person (or an Admin) creates a new user record I need a case insensitive
search to make sure the username isn't already in use. I found a good thread
on that at
(I hope that url works, the subject line is " Re: case sensitive usernames")

A post, dated Aug 13, 1999, by JPDeni, goes into terrific detail on this
and says to make changes in two places: sub change_password and
sub signup but I can't find sub change_password at all.

I am using code dbMan Version: 2.05

In db.cgi I found this (but can't figure out how to change it):

sub signup {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Allows a user to sign up without admin approval. Must have $auth_signup = 1
# set. The user gets @default_permissions.
my $message;

# Check to make sure userid is ok, pw ok, and userid is unique.
unless ((length($in{'userid'}) >= 3) and (length($in{'userid'}) <= 12) and ($in{'userid'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)) {
$message = "Invalid userid: $in{'userid'}. Must only contain only letters and be less then 12 and greater then 3 characters.";
unless ((length($in{'pw'}) >= 3) and (length($in{'pw'}) <= 12)) {
$message = "Invalid pw: '$in{'pw'}'. Must be less then 12 and greater then 3 characters.";
open (PASS, "<$auth_pw_file") or &cgierr ("unable to open: $auth_pw_file.\nReason: $!");
if ($db_use_flock) { flock(PASS, 1); }
while (<PASS>) {
/^\Q$in{'userid'}\E:/ and ($message = "userid already exists. Please try another.");

If it's helpful, I've placed my files at

I appreciate any help any one can give me!
Subject Author Views Date
Thread case insensitive user name paula 2605 Sep 20, 2003, 9:28 AM
Thread Re: [paula] case insensitive user name
LoisC 2563 Sep 20, 2003, 9:48 AM
Post Re: [LoisC] case insensitive user name
paula 2558 Sep 20, 2003, 10:42 AM