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Trying to find clear instructions on importing categories

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Trying to find clear instructions on importing categories
I'm a new user and I've been trying to find instructions on putting in all the categories at once.

I have three levels of categories, which makes about 1400 lines in a text file, so I don't really want to put them in one at at time. I can see how to import a text file using the import utility, and have prepared a text file with the right number of columns, but there are some fields in there like "Father ID" Which is filled in when you create subcategories through the admin interface, so am confused about what will happen if I import the file without filling in that column. Or am i going about it in the wrong way?

Is there anywhere I can find a step by step instruction list?
Subject Author Views Date
Thread Trying to find clear instructions on importing categories webeddy 1506 Oct 2, 2002, 2:43 PM
Post Re: [webeddy] Trying to find clear instructions on importing categories
Alex 1426 Oct 2, 2002, 5:33 PM