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[RELEASED] Postcards.cgi
http://postcards.com is back on-line, with the updated postcards.cgi.

I don't have it stuffed into a plug-in yet, but it's fairly simple to add in manually.

Right now, it does everything the old script does. I'll be adding in features such as address books, favorite cards, unsend cards, etc. Hopefully, these will just be general Links SQl features, that work with the whole, but also work with Gossamer Community. The reason for adding in the features to the postcards script, is that not everyone who wants the postcards script will using Gossamer Community or Gossamer Mail.

The script is _completely_ template driven. You simply feed it a URL, and pass it the right tags, and it does the rest. The basic template set will be built into the "default" Links template set. You can easily customize it by pulling out the "content" space tags which drive the postcards script.

The postcards script will allow it to work with either logon or open sites. Either way, the recipient can pick up their postcards _without_ logging in. Rewrite rules can be used to shorten URL's, and make things easier, or you can use the standard forms.

Right now, I'm offering the program for $55, installed (or you can do it yourself). You need to add a table (cut/paste into the SQL monitor) and then install the rest of the plugin to set a few defaults. Check out postcards.com for what it can do, ask me any questions. I'm going to make it simple, so that upgrades are free for the non-GossamerCommunity version. There might be an upgrade fee for the GossamerCommunity version, depending on what has to be done to make it that way. I need things simple for now :)

I should have a forum set up on the PUGDOCs.com site tonight (hopefully). Questions, comments, bugs on this script should be posted there.

PUGDOG� Enterprises, Inc.

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pugdog: Feb 14, 2002, 2:40 PM
Subject Author Views Date
Post [RELEASED] Postcards.cgi pugdog 2130 Feb 14, 2002, 2:39 PM