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Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!

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Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please! In reply to
Well I think I edit it Corecttly.The bellow File is the links.cfg. Check it for me.

# Paths and URL's to Important Stuff
# --------------------------------------------------------
# PATH and URL of Admin CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
$db_script_path = "D:/Money/links/cgi-bin/admin";
$db_dir_url = "http://monkey.sytes.net/links/cgi-bin/admin";

# URL of User CGI directory. No Trailing Slash.
$db_cgi_url = "http://monkey.sytes.net/links/cgi-bin";

# PATH and URL of Pages to be built. No Trailing Slash.
$build_root_path = "D:/Money.net/links/pages";
$build_root_url = "http://monkey.sytes.net/links/pages";

# PATH and URL of What's New page. No Trailing slash.
$build_new_path = "D:/Money.net/links/pages/New";
$build_new_url = "http://monkey.sytes.net/links/pages/New";

# PATH and URL of What's Cool page. No Trailing slash.
$build_cool_path = "D:/Money.net/links/pages/Cool";
$build_cool_url = "http://monkey.sytes.net/links/pages/Cool";

# PATH and URL of What's Rating page. No Trailing slash.
$build_ratings_path = "D:/Money.net/links/pages/Ratings";
$build_ratings_url = "http://monkey.sytes.net/links/pages/Ratings";

# Database Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# You really need to use flock(). However if your system doesn't support it (Win95),
# then turn this off at your own risk!
$db_use_flock = 0;
# Use Pragma: no-cache to stop browsers from caching output? (0 = cache, 1 = nocache)
$db_nocache = 0;
# Use IIS headers? Set this to 1 if your web server needs the full headers (HTTP/1.0 etc.)
$db_iis = 0;
# Field number of category in category.db
$db_main_category = 1;
# Referers -- which hosts are allowed to add to your database.
@db_referers = ();

# Email Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Be sure to edit the text of the message. It can be found
# in the templates directory: email-add.txt, email-del.txt and
# email-mod.txt respectively.

# Set only ONE of either $db_mail_path which should go to a
# mail program like sendmail, or $db_smtp_server which will use
# a SMTP server. Do not set both at once!

# PATH of sendmail. # SMTP Server
$db_mail_path = ''; $db_smtp_server = 'smtpout.bellatlantic.net';

# Email address of the administrator. BE SURE TO SET!
$db_admin_email = 'wsu50@hotmail.com';

# Notify visitors automatically when their links are validated?
$db_email_add = 0;

# Notify visitors automatically when their links are modified?
$db_email_modify = 0;

# Log all outgoing messages? Put the full path to a logfile and make sure it
# exists and is writeable (chmod 666 -rw-rw-rw-). This logfile can get pretty
# big!
$db_mailer_log = '';

# Build Options
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Setting for popular cutoff, can either be a percent (i.e. top 3%), or
# a fixed value (i.e. top 10). Enter 0.03 or 10 respectively.
$db_popular_cutoff = 0.03; # Top 3%
# Number of days a link is considered New.
$db_new_cutoff = 14; # 14 days old.
# Return search results bolded (1 = yes, 0 = no).
$search_bold = 1;
# The name of an index file.
$build_index = "index.html";
# The extension to use for non index files:
$build_extension = ".html";

# Should your add.cgi automatically select what category the user
# is adding his link into?
$db_single_category = 1;

# Directory Permissions. Do NOT put quotes around it. Set to 0777
# for world writeable. If you put this at 0755, you might need a
# script to remove any directories created as they will be owned
# by the web server or user nobody. Better solution might be to
# run the nph-build routine from the command shell.
$build_dir_per = 0777;

# The script can now break up category pages that have more then x
# number of links in it. It will also create next and previous links
# to help navigate. Set this to 1 if you want to break up pages or 0 if
# you want to have only one page per category.
# Setting this to one, will also break up the What's New pages into
# per day sections (not affected by number of links per page).
$build_span_pages = 1;

# Number of links per page.
$build_links_per_page = 10;

# Detailed View: The script can build a single html page per link. This is
# great if you have a review in your database. To enable, you must set
# the directory where all the pages will be stored, the url to that directory
# and set the enable option.
$build_detailed = 0;
$build_detail_path = "$build_root_path/Detailed";
$build_detail_url = "$build_root_url/links/pages/Detailed";

# Use Templates: instead of editing site_html.pl, you can edit regular html pages
# encoded with special <%links_tags%>. It's not as flexible as site_html.pl, but it
# may be easier.
$build_use_templates = 1;

# Site Title, the default title to use. You should really spend some time customizing
# the directory though!
$build_site_title = 'Gossamer Threads Links';

# Date Routines
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Your date format can be whatever you like, as long as the following
# two functions are defined &date_to_unix and &unix_to_date:
# The default is dd-mmm-yyyy.

sub date_to_unix {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine must take your date format and return the time a la UNIX time().
# Some things to be careful about..
# timelocal does not like to be in array context, don't do my($time) = timelocal (..)
# int your values just in case to remove spaces, etc.
# catch the fatal error timelocal will generate if you have a bad date..
# don't forget that the month is indexed from 0!
my $date = shift; my $i;
my %months = map { $_ => $i++ } qw!Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec!;
my ($day, $mon, $year) = split(/-/, $date);

exists $months{$mon} or return undef;
$day = int($day); $year = $year - 1900;

require Time::Local;
my $time = 0;
eval {
$time = &Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0, $day, $months{$mon}, $year);
if ($@) { die "invalid date format: $date - parsed as (day: $day, month: $months{$mon}, year: $year). Reason: $@"; }
return $time;

sub unix_to_date {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine must take a unix time and return your date format
# A much simpler routine, just make sure your format isn't so complex that
# you can't get it back into unix time.
my $time = shift;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $dweek, $dyear, $tz) = localtime $time;
my @months = qw!Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec!;
$year = $year + 1900;
return "$day-$months[$mon]-$year";

sub long_date {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine is for printing a nicer date format on the what's new page. It should
# take in a date in your current format and return a new one.
my $time = shift;
$time = &date_to_unix ($time);
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $dweek, $dyear, $tz) = localtime $time;
my @months = qw!January February March April May June July August September October November December!;
my @days = qw!Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday!;
$year = $year + 1900;
return "$days[$dweek], $months[$mon] $day $year";

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Extra Paths -- unless you feel the need to rename files, you
# can leave this as is.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
$db_script_url = $db_dir_url . "/admin.cgi"; # Admin script.
$db_header_path = $db_script_path . "/header"; # Place to store header and footers.
$db_footer_path = $db_script_path . "/footer";
$build_search_url = $db_cgi_url . "/search.cgi"; # URL of search script.
$build_add_url = $db_cgi_url . "/add.cgi"; # URL of add script.
$build_modify_url = $db_cgi_url . "/modify.cgi"; # URL of modify script.
$build_jump_url = $db_cgi_url . "/jump.cgi"; # URL of jump script.
$build_email_url = $db_cgi_url . "/subscribe.cgi"; # URL of email update script.
$build_rate_url = $db_cgi_url . "/rate.cgi"; # URL of rate script.
$db_mail_url = $db_dir_url . "/nph-email.cgi"; # URL of admin mass mail script.
$build_css_url = $build_root_url . "/links.css"; # URL to your CSS file.

$db_lib_path = $db_script_path; # PATH of library files.
$db_links_name = "$db_script_path/data/links.db"; # PATH to links database.
$db_category_name = "$db_script_path/data/categories.db"; # PATH to category database.
$db_valid_name = "$db_script_path/data/validate.db"; # PATH to validation database.
$db_modified_name = "$db_script_path/data/modified.db"; # PATH to modification database.
$db_url_name = "$db_script_path/data/url.db"; # PATH to URL lookup database.
$db_email_name = "$db_script_path/data/email.db"; # PATH to email database.
$db_links_id_file_name = "$db_script_path/data/linksid.txt"; # PATH to links counter file.
$db_category_id_file_name = "$db_script_path/data/categoryid.txt"; # PATH to category counter file.
$db_hits_path = "$db_script_path/data/hits"; # PATH to hits directory.
$db_template_path = "$db_script_path/templates"; # PATH to templates.
$db_rates_path = "$db_script_path/data/rates"; # PATH to ratings.


Now I still getting another error and this one is Realte to the admin.cgi. I will Posted bellow so you can check it out for me I really don't know what is giving me so manny problems.

# -------------
# Links
# -------------
# Links Manager
# File: admin.cgi
# Description: This is the administrative interface for the links program.
# Author: Alex Krohn
# Email: alex@gossamer-threads.com
# Web: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/
# Version: 2.0
# (c) 1998 Gossamer Threads Inc.
# This script is not freeware! Please read the README for full details
# on registration and terms of use.
# =====================================================================
# Required Librariers
# --------------------------------------------------------
eval {
($0 =~ m,(.*)/[^/]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: UNIX /
($0 =~ m,(.*)\\[^\\]+,) && unshift (@INC, "$1"); # Get the script location: Windows \

require 5.001; # Make sure we have at least perl 5.001.
require "D:/Money.net/links/cgi-bin/admin/links.cfg"; # Change this to full path to links.cfg if you have problems.
require "D:/Money.net/links/cgi-bin/admin/db.pl"; # Database Routines.
require "D:/Money.net/links/cgi-bin/admin/db_utils.pl"; # Database Support utilities.
require "D:/Money.net/links/cgi-bin/admin/admin_html.pl"; # Admin HTML routines.

if ($@) {
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print "Error including libraries: $@\n";
print "Make sure they exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly.";

# ========================================================
eval { &main; }; # Trap any fatal errors so the program hopefully
if ($@) { &cgierr("fatal error: $@"); } # never produces that nasty 500 server error page.
exit; # There are only two exit calls in the script, here and in in &cgierr.
# ========================================================

sub main {
# --------------------------------------------------------
$| = 1; # Flush Output Right Away

# Main Menu. Check to see what the user requested, then if he has permission for that
# request, do it. Otherwise send the user off to an unauthorized request page.
%in = &parse_form; # Get form input so we know which database to load.

# Load the database definition file and set the link url.
$in{'db'} ?
require "$db_lib_path/$in{'db'}.def" :
require "$db_lib_path/links.def";

$db_script_link_url = "$db_script_url?db=$in{'db'}";

# The functions beginning with &html_ can be found in admin_html.pl, while the other
# functions can be found in db.pl

if ($in{'add_form'}) { &html_add_form; } # Display the Add Record Form.
elsif ($in{'add_record'}) { &add_record; } # Add the Actual Record.
elsif ($in{'add_record_mult'}) { &add_record_mult; } # Add Multiple Records at once (beta).
elsif ($in{'view_search'}) { &html_view_search; } # Display form to search database.
elsif ($in{'view_records'}) { &view_records; } # Search database and print results.
elsif ($in{'delete_search'}) { &html_delete_search; } # Display the form to search for records to delete.
elsif ($in{'delete_form'}) { &html_delete_form; } # Display the form to pick records to delete.
elsif ($in{'delete_records'}) { &delete_records; } # Delete records.
elsif ($in{'modify_search'}) { &html_modify_search; } # Display the form to search for records to modify.
elsif ($in{'modify_mult_form'}) { &html_modify_mult_form; } # Display multiple records to modify at one time.
elsif ($in{'modify_form'}) { &html_modify_form; } # Display the form to pick record to modify.
elsif ($in{'modify_form_record'}) { &html_modify_form_record; } # Display the form to modify a record.
elsif ($in{'modify_record'}) { &modify_record; } # Modify the record.
elsif ($in{'modify_mult_record'}) { &modify_mult_record; } # Modify multiple records at once.
elsif ($in{'validate_form'}) { &html_validate_form; } # Display the Validation Form.
elsif ($in{'validate_records'}) { &validate_records; } # Validate records.
elsif ($in{'check_links'}) { &check_links; } # Display/Check to make sure links have matching catgories.
elsif ($in{'fix_links'}) { &fix_links; } # Fixes up any errors found in check links.
elsif ($in{'check_duplicates'}) { &check_duplicates; } # Display/Check for duplicate links.
elsif ($in{'html_mail_target'}) { &html_mail_target; } # Form to do targeted mass mailing.
elsif ($in{'html_mail_form'}) { &html_mail_form; } # Form to do mass mailing.
elsif ($in{'html_mail_update'}) { &html_mail_update; } # Form to do email updates.
elsif ($in{'html_edit_template'}) { &html_edit_template; } # Edit Templates
elsif ($in{'save_template'}) { &save_template; } # Save templates.
elsif ($in{'html_template_help'}) { &html_template_help; } # Template Help.
elsif ($in{'display'} eq 'navigation') { &html_navigation; } # Display HTML Header
elsif ($in{'display'} eq 'body') { &html_body; } # Display HTML Body
elsif ($in{'display'} eq 'top') { &html_top; } # Display HTML Top
else { &html_home; } # Display Frame Index page.

# &cgierr("Done"); # Uncomment this line for Debugging... Will tack on form variables and environment variables
# to the end of every page. Quite Useful.

I hope you Can help me with this stuff. It is really confusing when I keep getting these whole buch of errors.Thanks for the help.

Subject Author Views Date
Thread link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please! mario2 5877 Jul 12, 2001, 6:15 PM
Thread Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
sponge 5742 Jul 12, 2001, 6:30 PM
Thread Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
mario2 5725 Jul 12, 2001, 7:09 PM
Post Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
sponge 5721 Jul 12, 2001, 7:19 PM
Thread Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
Paul 5804 Jul 12, 2001, 7:21 PM
Thread Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
mario2 5704 Jul 12, 2001, 9:31 PM
Thread Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
Paul 5741 Jul 13, 2001, 3:29 AM
Post Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
Andy 5757 Jul 13, 2001, 5:31 AM
Post Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
Paul 5731 Jul 13, 2001, 5:34 AM
Post Re: link v2.0 isn't working on my server, Help please!
angularvelocity 5701 Jul 14, 2001, 10:03 PM