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change jump.cgi -- linkowner jump unvalidated

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change jump.cgi -- linkowner jump unvalidated
IN setting up a site, it might be necessary to allow the owner of a link to be able to use jump.cgi to look at their link even if it's unvalidated. This would be such as if you have a preview, or an edit/modify feature.

You need to make a little change to jump.cgi....

down around line 49

$rec = $db->get ($id);
if (! $rec or ($rec->{isValidated} eq 'No' and $rec->{LinkOwner} ne $USER->{Username})) {
print $IN->header();
print Links::SiteHTML::display ('error', { error => Links::language ('JUMP_INVALIDID', $id) });
$goto = $rec->{URL};
You need to add the and $rec->{LinkOwner} ne $USER->{Username} to the if test above.

This will allow a link owner to jump to their link, but no one else.

This is part of a mod I have to make to allow fully functioning attachment edits. It's an option during the upload/graphic install, but it adds functionality to the jumps.

PUGDOGŪ Enterprises, Inc.
Subject Author Views Date
Post change jump.cgi -- linkowner jump unvalidated pugdog 1301 Mar 29, 2001, 12:17 PM