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Same error every day (build changed)

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Same error every day (build changed)
Ever since I upgraded to Links 2.0Final, I have gotten this error message at the beginning of every single new day when I try to do the "build changed" option. It appears to have something to do with the "changed" flags, as this is where it always fails. If I do build changed immediately after on the same day, the error does not repeat. Here is the message:

Updating New Flags ...
Done (6.00 s)

Updating Changed Flags ...
Stack Trace
Links (20243): Links::environment called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/Links.pm line 446 with no arguments.Links (20243): Links::fatal called at (eval 11) line 88 with arguments (GT::SQL::Table (20243): Wrong argument passed to this subroutine. Usage: _build_cond takes only a condition, array ref, or hash ref. Not: '' at (eval 10) line 40.
).Links (20243): GT::Base::error called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/GT/SQL/Table.pm line 1815 with arguments (Links::Category=HASH(0x84c7d04), BADARGS, FATAL, _build_cond takes only a condition, array ref, or hash ref. Not: '').Links (20243): GT::SQL::Table::_build_cond called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/GT/SQL/Table.pm line 305 with arguments (Links::Category=HASH(0x84c7d04), ).Links (20243): GT::SQL::Table::update called at (eval 10) line 40 with arguments (Links::Category=HASH(0x84c7d04), HASH(0x83e547c)).Links (20243): Links::Build::build_changed_flags called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/GT/Plugins.pm line 78 with arguments (HASH(0x8399abc)).Links (20243): GT::Plugins::dispatch called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/Links/Build.pm line 44 with arguments (GT::Plugins, /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/Plugins, build_changed_flags, *Links::Build::build_changed_flags, HASH(0x8399abc)).Links (20243): Links::Build::build called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/nph-build.cgi line 602 with arguments (changed_flags, HASH(0x8399abc)).Links (20243): main::_build_changed_flags called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/nph-build.cgi line 115 with no arguments.Links (20243): main::build_changed called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/nph-build.cgi line 38 with no arguments.Links (20243): main::main called at /home/aaasearch/public_html/kaazoocom/cgi-bin/linkssql2/admin/nph-build.cgi line 29 with no arguments.

System Information
Perl Version: 5.00503
Links SQL Version: 2.0.0
DBI.pm Version: 1.13
GT::SQL::error = GT::SQL::Table (20243): Wrong argument passed to this subroutine. Usage: _build_cond takes only a condition, array ref, or hash ref. Not: '' at (eval 10) line 40.

@INC =

do => changed

Rob Bartlett
AAA Internet Publishing, Inc.
Subject Author Views Date
Post Same error every day (build changed) robfromaaa 1143 Feb 10, 2001, 1:46 PM