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v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules

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v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules
I know that in the NEXT GENERATION version of Links SQL, the program is more modular than it is in current working versions...I don't anticipate upgrading until there is a stable release of the NEXT GENERATION...and I am attempting to modularize v.1.11.

What I am attempting to do is create separate *_HTML_Templates.pm files for different sections of my site (job postings, resume postings, links, reviews, etc.). Yet I am running into many problems in terms of UNKNOWN TAGS (yes, I have read the three relevant Threads about this, but does not really relate to my challenge).

Here is what I have done:

1) Created a .pm file called Globals.pm that stores the "global" tags to be used across the different sections.

2) Created the following PM files:

* Career.pm

- Contains global variables to be used in the job and resume posting sections of my site.

* Career_HTML_Templates.pm

- Contains career "global" tag definitions and subroutines to be used in the career scripts.

* Custom.pm

- Contains global variables to be used across all scripts. (e.g., $CUSTOM{new_img}.

* Forum.pm

- contains global variables for the forum.cgi scripts.

* Forum_HTML_Templates.pm

- contains global tag definitions and subroutines to be used in the forum scripts.

* Globals.pm

- contains global tag definitions to be used across all scripts.

* Members.pm

- contains global variables for user access scripts.

* Members_HTML_Templates.pm

- contains global tag definitions and subroutines to be used in user scripts (e.g., login.cgi, logout.cgi, etc.)

* Links.pm

- similar to the default version, yet most of the variables have been moved to the Custom.pm file.

* Links_HTML_Templates.pm

- contains global variables for link based scripts and subroutines for those scripts.

3) Edited some of the scripts as test scripts to include the appropriate modules.

4) Edited subroutines in the *_HTML_Templates.pm files to include:



The second GLOBAL hash is for that particular module file, like ÊREERGLOBALS. I also edited the EXPORTER codes at the top of each *_HTML_Templates.pm file to include %GLOBALS %*GLOBALS.

Yet in most of the test scripts...I get UNKNOWN TAGS that are defined in the Globals.pm file. I believe the crux of my problem stems from the illogical codes I am using in the Globals.pm module.

Here are the relevant codes:


package Links::Globals;
# ===============================================================
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %USERS %GLOBALS);
use Carp;
use Socket;
use lib '..';
use Links::Career;
use Links::Custom;
use Links::DBSQL;
use Links::DB_Utils;
use Links::Forum;
use Links::Links;
use Links::Members;
use Exporter ();
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw/&escape &send_error &load_user


build_addjobs_url => $CAREER{build_addjobs_url},
build_addres_url => $CAREER{build_addres_url},
build_career_url => $CAREER{build_career_url}.
build_deljobs_url => $CAREER{build_deljobs_url},
build_delres_url => $CAREER{build_delres_url},
build_modjobs_url => $CAREER{build_modjobs_url},
build_modres_url => $CAREER{build_modres_url},
build_sendjobs_url => $CAREER{build_sendjobs_url},
build_submitres_url => $CAREER{build_submitjobs_url},
awardimg => $CUSTOM{awardimg},
back => $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'},
banner => \&Links::DB_Utils::insertadvert,
body => $CUSTOM{body},
bot_table => $CUSTOM{bot_table},
emailimg => $CUSTOM{emailimg},
errorimg => $CUSTOM{errorimg},
font => $CUSTOM{font},
fonterror => $CUSTOM{fonterror},
fontlg => $CUSTOM{fontlg},
fontspec => $CUSTOM{fontspec},
fontwhite => $CUSTOM{fontwhite},
framebody => $CUSTOM{framebody},
gthn => $CUSTOM{gthn},
hideimg => $CUSTOM{hideimg},
hidecat => $CUSTOM{hidecat},
logo => $CUSTOM{logo},
lthn => $CUSTOM{lthn},
mnbody => $CUSTOM{mnbody},
nbsp => $CUSTOM{nbsp},
new1img => $CUSTOM{new1img},
new3img => $CUSTOM{new3img},
new7img => $CUSTOM{new7img},
privateimg => $CUSTOM{privateimg},
redirect => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_category_redirect,
redirect_mncat => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_mncategory_redirect,
static => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_category_static,
revimg => $CUSTOM{revimg},
showimg => $CUSTOM{showimg},
showcat => $CUSTOM{showcat},
smfont => $CUSTOM{smfont},
smfontwhite => $CUSTOM{smfontwhite},
smfont2 => $CUSTOM{smfont2},
smfontwhite2 => $CUSTOM{smfontwhite2},
time => \&Links::DBSQL::get_time,
titlefont => $CUSTOM{titlefont},
titlewhitefont => $CUSTOM{titlewhitefont},
top5img => $CUSTOM{top5img},
top_table => $CUSTOM{top_table},
totallinks => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_totallinks,
totalcats => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_totalcats,
totalrev => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_totalrev,
update_img => $CUSTOM{update_img},
build_extension => $CUSTOM{build_extension},
catlist => \&Links::DB_Utils::get_category_drop,
date => \&Links::DBSQL::get_page_date,
build_addpost_url => $FORUM{build_addpost_url},
build_delpost_url => $FORUM{build_delpost_url},
build_editpost_url => $FORUM{build_editpost_url},
build_forum_url => $FORUM{build_forum_url},
build_reply_url => $FORUM{build_reply_url},
build_add_url => $LINKS{build_add_url},
build_addcat_url => $LINKS{build_addcat_url},
build_alpha_url => $LINKS{build_alpha_url},
build_addbanner_url => $LINKS{build_addbanner_url},
build_admin_url => $LINKS{build_admin_url},
build_award_url => $LINKS{build_award_url},
build_alpha_url => $LINKS{build_alpha_url},
build_bookmarks_url => $LINKS{build_bookmarks_url},
build_check_url => $LINKS{build_check_url},
build_cool_url => $LINKS{build_cool_url},
build_deadlink_url => $LINKS{build_deadlink_url},
build_dellinks_url => $LINKS{build_dellinks_url},
build_delacct_url => $LINKS{build_delacct_url},
build_delrev_url => $LINKS{build_delrev_url},
build_detail_url => $LINKS{build_detail_url},
build_editor_url => $LINKS{build_editor_url},
build_editor_page_url => $LINKS{build_editor_page_url},
build_extrate_url => $LINKS{build_extrate_url},
build_feedback_url => $LINKS{build_feedback_url},
build_graph_url => $LINKS{build_graph_url},
build_jump_url => $LINKS{build_jump_url},
build_keylogger_url => $LINKS{build_keylogger_url},
build_linkdetail_url => $LINKS{build_linkdetail_url},
build_linkmailer_url => $LINKS{build_linkmailer_url},
build_listcats_url => $LINKS{build_listcats_url},
build_listlinks_url => $LINKS{build_listlinks_url},
build_listrev_url => $LINKS{build_listrev_url},
build_listst_url => $LINKS{build_listst_url},
build_listsod_url => $LINKS{build_listsod_url},
build_maintain_url => $LINKS{build_maintain_url},
build_modify_url => $LINKS{build_modify_url},
build_modrev_url => $LINKS{build_modrev_url},
build_nominate_url => $LINKS{build_nominate_url},
build_new_url => $LINKS{build_new_url},
build_newreviews_url => $LINKS{build_newreviews_url},
build_quote_url => $LINKS{build_quote_url},
build_rate_url => $LINKS{build_rate_url},
build_ratings_url => $LINKS{build_ratings_url},
build_recsite_url => $LINKS{build_recsite_url},
build_redirect_url => $LINKS{build_redirect_url},
build_remotesend_url => $LINKS{build_remotesend_url},
build_reply_url => $LINKS{build_reply_url},
build_review_url => $LINKS{build_review_url},
build_reviewdetail_url => $LINKS{build_reviewdetail_url},
build_revmailer_url => $LINKS{build_revmailer_url},
build_revpass_url => $LINKS{build_revpass_url},
build_search_url => $LINKS{build_search_url},
build_sendlink_url => $LINKS{build_sendlink_url},
build_sendreview_url => $LINKS{build_sendreview_url},
build_survey_url => $LINKS{build_survey_url},
build_delacct_url => $MEMBERS{build_delacct_url},
build_login_url => $MEMBERS{build_login_url},
build_logout_url => $MEMBERS{build_logout_url},
build_mailer_url => $MEMBERS{build_mailer_url},
build_maintain_url => $MEMBERS{build_maintain_url},
build_online_url => $MEMBERS{build_online_url},
build_password_url => $MEMBERS{build_password_url},
build_privmailer_url => $MEMBERS{build_privmailer_url},
build_signup_url => $MEMBERS{build_signup_url},
build_userdetail_url => $MEMBERS{build_userdetail_url}

Any thoughts or suggestions for properly modularizing v.1.11 would be greatly appreciated! Smile

I will be out of town for the next few days, but hopefully, I will get some reponses to review by the time I get back.

Thanks in advance.


Eliot Lee
Subject Author Views Date
Thread v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules Stealth 3427 Nov 15, 2000, 9:58 AM
Thread Re: v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules
pugdog 3335 Nov 15, 2000, 11:45 AM
Thread Re: v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules
Stealth 3323 Nov 19, 2000, 9:32 PM
Thread Re: v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules
pugdog 3319 Nov 19, 2000, 10:06 PM
Post Re: v1.11 -> Splitting .pm modules
Stealth 3313 Nov 19, 2000, 10:24 PM