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Re: .htacces dont' work inside /perl dir

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Re: .htacces dont' work inside /perl dir In reply to
We really should have a separate topic for mod_perl issues, since they are both specific to Links SQL and generic at the same time.

.htaccess/security files should work across the server. That is a top-level process ie: access/authentication that occurs BEFORE any attempt to do file access or serve files.

Make sure your basic system is set up properly, and that you have your server set to recognize .htaccess files in either the global tree, or in your local directory.

I don't use .htaccess, since in reading the docs there is a minor performance hit as the server checks up through each level of access (and some of my levels go deep) and I only need security on the various cgi- directories. I do all my security in the httpd.conf file.

Here's a sample of my long-gone minivend config:

<LocationMatch /cgi-bin/simple/+(admin|config)>
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/server/postcards/cgi-bin/simple/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "MiniVend Administration"
require valid-user

You can probably do the same sort of authorization in the <LOCATION> tags.

Things are a mess here, and I can't locate my good Apache docs book to check for sure, but it might be worth a try.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

Subject Author Views Date
Thread .htacces dont' work inside /perl dir Lepo75 2801 Oct 6, 2000, 2:03 AM
Post Re: .htacces dont' work inside /perl dir
pugdog 2680 Oct 6, 2000, 9:04 AM