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Span multiple pages

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Span multiple pages
Okay, what I'd like to do seems tricky, it may be easy, i dunno. Anyways, I would like to be able to add a record and be able to have that record span multiple pages if necessary. I guess here's an example:

Say i have a db with 2 fields: food and number
and if I add a record and for the food field value, I put in

"candy fish apple cheetos" (and some indicator to break the page, say "*") so it looks more like "candy*fish*apple*cheetos"

and 1 as the number value. I would like it to do something like post:

1 - candy

and then have a link for 1 - fish
and on the fish page have a link for the candy and apple. does this make sense? It seems confusing, but i can do it, but manually.

For example, I have a field that displays a link if i need it to, otherwise it is blank. that link links to the next "page" of data but i have to add several records if there are several pages.

I guess I have 5 "items" i add, and say each item has 2 pages. I would just like it to be able to navigate between the pages within that item... Make sense? probably not :)

Subject Author Views Date
Post Span multiple pages shogun 897 Sep 21, 2000, 11:13 AM