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Re: [el noe] Vision of Links

The problem I see on the gforum nowadays is that people want more features and give examples with other softwares not to be rude but this just doesn't seems to provoke constructive discussion but rather just looks like whining.

IMO in order for GT to put some love back in GLinks they need constructive suggestions so they can filter the most requested and meaningful features which will make sense developing/including in an eventual future version.

With that said as a developer at the current state I'm pretty happy with GLinks for the past hers I'm working with it I've never come across another software so robust and yet flexible.

The only problems so far I had were 1 or 2 GT modules which require some updating (in near future).
The other one i think is more urgent and will require some action pretty soon ... GLinks really NEEDS rework on the user database side:
- From security point of view these plain text passwords are no go anymore!!!
- I would very much like to see GLinks working with users as GComm do ... by User ID rather than username.

Then again apart from these mentioned GLinks still rocks after all these years. I'm constantly using it for customer projects and it is absolutely amazing!
Mind you I'm not speaking about link directories, for me that's only one of the use cases... there are many more!


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Last edited by:

eupos: May 27, 2014, 6:08 AM

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