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Re: [brewt] How can I add a variables like $User/user $CFG/config which are available everywhere
Hi Adrian,

Thank you very much for your reply and hint.
I tried to define some variables in %STASH within a Plugin hooking to init.
I cannot see how to make them available in scripts and templates.
I tried a Plugin hook:

sub init {
my (@args) = @_;

$STASH{test} = "I was here!";
return @args;

... and it did not work. I thought a problem might be this part of sub init { within Links.pm

$PLG->dispatch('init', sub {});

I changed it to:
$PLG->dispatch('init', sub {});

$STASH{anothertest} = "...and here";

The code did not make anything show up neither in a perl script nor in a template (I used Data Dumper for %STASH which is empty, $STASH{test), $STASH{anothertest} and <%STASH.test%>).

It would be great to get another hint.

I thought of using $IN as well but I do not like this one either but maybe there is no problem:
sub init {
my (@args) = @_;
$IN->{mystash} = {};
$IN->{mystash}->{test} = "... and here as well";
return @args;
I guess the code is just dynamically and cannot be overwritten by params. So it might be better than using $CFG but %STASH seems to be more reasonable.



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el noe: Jun 8, 2011, 3:27 AM

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