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Re: [iplay] Next/Previous Category
Ok, bit more complex than I was expecting ;) I've tested this - and it looks like it should work in all instances

sub {

my $this_cat_id = $_[0];
my $this_father_id = $_[1];

if (!$this_cat_id || !$this_father_id) { return; }

my $tbl = $DB->table('Category');
$tbl->select_options("ORDER BY Name ASC");
my $sth = $tbl->select( { FatherID => $this_father_id } );

my $prev = {};
my $prev_cat = {};
my $next_cat = {};
my $now_find_next = 0;
while (my $hit = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {

if ($hit->{ID} == $this_cat_id) {
$prev_cat = $prev;
$now_find_next = 1;

if ($now_find_next == 1) {
} elsif ($now_find_next == 2) {
$next_cat = $hit;

$prev = $hit;


if ($prev_cat->{ID}) {
$prev_cat->{URL} = $CFG->{build_root_url} . "/". $tbl->as_url( $prev_cat->{Full_Name} ) . "/";
if ($next_cat->{ID}) {
$next_cat->{URL} = $CFG->{build_root_url} . "/". $tbl->as_url( $next_cat->{Full_Name} ) . "/";

return { 'prev_cat' => $prev_cat, 'next_cat' => $next_cat }


<%if $prev_cat.ID%>
Prev Category "<a href="<%prev_cat.URL%>"><%prev_cat.Name%></a>"

<%if $next_cat.ID%>
Next Category "<a href="<%next_cat.URL%>"><%next_cat.Name%></a>"

NOTE - be sure to add the $FatherID stuff into the global call, or it won't work Wink

ALSO, be sure to change the ORDER BY part, so it uses the same field you want (I set it as ORDER BY Name, so others could also use this global if they wanted :))

Hope that helps!


Andy (mod)
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Andy: Jun 6, 2011, 2:05 AM

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