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Re: [Gamecock] Hyphen vs. Underscore - There IS a difference!

I do agree that the rewrite rules for building URLs should be more flexible than always using the underscore.
Especially this would be good for those using foreign-language-characters.

Why doesn't GT create a build-rewrite-rules-option into the Links-Setup-Area ?

Perhaps a text-field where you can define the url-building-rewrite-rules, e.g.

SPACE => _
" => _
? => _
! => _
ä => ae
Ä => Ae
ß => ss

...and so on.

( see also: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/...orum.cgi?post=280971 )


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Last edited by:

ManuGermany: Apr 26, 2005, 11:05 PM

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