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Re: [Andy] compare numbers

only just goes to an empty 'sub' with hello printed .so as I can see if its working .

makes no difference if it goes to anywhere really Andy .

It actually (*should I ever resolve the problem , it will go to a sub that shows other options for the user .

I must admit it at this point I am beaten ...I have even broke the whole thing down to just a form and an emty cgi ...bar, the little bit of code ...and still the bugger wont work !

If you got it to work Andy ? from a form to the script ?
I would apreaciate a copy , or seeing it working , whatever ...its driving me nuts .

<form action="to script "method=post>

<input type=hidden name="action" value="upgrade">
<input type="submit" class=buttons value="upgrade">

My email address is david@thewebuilders.co.uk I am in London UK

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classca: Jun 19, 2004, 7:47 AM

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