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Re: [PerlFlunkie] info.cgi -- replacement for details.cgi

I just wanted some mods to look through to get ideas and hack code that’s all.

I would like the info.cgi and details.cgi, can’t find a link to them that still works.

Also this is another thing I am trying to do.

I wanted to set up a start and end date for a field, so field don’t show until the start date and they stop showing after the end date.

I found half the answer in the forum, but still need to tweak the code below to not show the link until the start date.

Add 2 new fields. Ones an info field and the other an expirory date field. define the info field further down in links.def as $db_info and the expirory as $db_expire. Make the expire field as not required, ie so in some cases there doesn't need to be an expirory date.
Then in nph-build.cgi go to the sub build_update_newpop:
# Check to see if the record is new...
if ($values[$db_expire]){
$dates = &compare_dates($values[$db_expire], $date);
if ($dates){
$values[$db_info] = "";
print "\tUpdating record: $id, deleting extra info as it has expired.\n";

The expires field date needs to be in the same format as the Date field. ie like: 23-Jun-2001.

Last edited by:

awwa: Jan 31, 2004, 2:06 PM

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