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GForum 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 template changes
Unlike many previous released, due to the new editor in 1.2.1, it may be absolutely necessary to make some template changes for the new editor to work properly. In particular, the affected template are all of the editor_* templates in the "common" template set, and the 'include_post_html_common_write.html' and 'include_message_html_common_write.html' templates in the default template set.

Normally, these templates do not need to be modified, but if you _have_ modified them (you'll see a * in the admin-panel template editor file list dropdown), it is recommended that you restore the system template and, if necessary, perform your custom modifications again. Alternatively, you can attempt to upgrade your modified template to support the new editor code - you can access the changes through the 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 diff link in the "Templates" menu of the admin. The changes to include_*_common_write.html will also enable the use of inline images.

If you have not modified any of these templates, you do not need to take any action.

If you have any questions about the necessary changes, please respond to this thread.

Jason Rhinelander
Gossamer Threads

Last edited by:

Jagerman: Jan 30, 2004, 2:00 PM

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