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Re: [Paul] Heathrow Airport
Well you have to be smart about your surroundings, i.e., have situational awareness. But after a while it comes down to healthy cynicism Smile

Cold War babies, like me, still remember the old "duck and cover" drills, and the "how to survive a nuclear war" films we were shown in grade school. Like that would have done much good!

After I went into the service and took NBC (Nuclear-Biological-Chemical) warfare classes - I pretty much decided I didn't want to be around for any of that mess.

I have my hurricane survival kit, which is very much a reality here, and am not too worried about anything more serious than that. If it happens, it happens. I'll crank up my stereo, go BBQ on the grill, and watch the sunset.

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ArmyAirForces: Feb 12, 2003, 10:15 AM

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