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Re: [Paul] Heathrow Airport
The good thing, if there can be such a thing, about a "dirty" bomb, is that the radiological material should only be spread by the radius of the conventional explosive effect (excluding some minor pick up by winds or unknowing persons/vehicles).

Explode the device on the ground (say in a vehicle) and in a densly constructed area, the effects will be considerably limited. So you figure they'd want to target wide open areas in London with lots of tourist and day traffic...but then you figure those are probably monitored fairly heavily.

It would be nasty, but I suspect a full scale clean-up operation might have some pretty good results. With that kind of bomb, we really are talking about "terror"-ism, and controlling the population afterwards could be a challenge.

My .02 cents,

Like I said before, keep your head down over there.

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ArmyAirForces: Feb 12, 2003, 10:03 AM

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