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Re: [Paul] Datestamp storage in Community
I'm not sure your research on the different database support for unix time is accurate either.
Paul, do it. You can research yourself. So go for it and search for a function what you think proves your statement. Here is my info source:
(BTW: that comparison was not done with the latest database versions, so may be possible that a feature was added in the meantime...)

If you decide to research yourself, don't forget you have to find unixtime to date function in all databases which don't support FROM_UNIXTIME() function directly, but may support through other function. So here are those databases, you should investigate for that function:
Oracle no | PostgreSQL no | MSSQL no

just as a side point, using perl would slow down the process by an amount of time that is so small
No, once you have to do comparisons or (even worser) date conversion for all (which may be more thousands) records, it becomes really time consuming. The more record, slower working, just because we can't use LIKE.
However when you use LIKE in a query, will filter quickly the result you need (executing by database, which is several times faster than do this in Perl).
IMHO no more explain is needed.

Best regards,

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webmaster33: Jan 29, 2003, 2:50 PM

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