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Re: [pugdog] Small Auction Script Plugin
hi pugdog,

ok. that's not exactly what i want, but sounds good so far.

the only thing that is not very practical i think (for me and also for other users) is that your code uses a category of the directory.

as far as i know there is no chance to hide the category for common users, so that only logged in users or link-owners are able to see the "auction category".

but by the way, an auction script would be a very good one for the portfolio of GT. they have Mail, Forum, Autorespond etc. an auction would be a very good idea... but i don't want to bring this on their minds yet, not as long as i am still waiting for the community plugin ;-)


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Last edited by:

ManuGermany: Sep 14, 2002, 1:03 AM

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