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Detailed pages and rewrite rules
I have just added a nice rewrite rule that allows my to detailed pages with the following url


instead of


which is (I think) better for google and the like. This only works in static mode, btw.

In order to do this, you need a global, called rewrite_url, which is
sub {
my $ID = shift;
my $Title = shift;

my $cats = $DB->table('Links')->get_categories($ID);
my ($cat_id,$cat_full_name) = each %$cats;
my $cat_url = $DB->table('Category')->as_url($cat_full_name);
$Title =~ y/ \t\r\n?"'#/__/d;
return '/' . $cat_url . '/' . $Title . '_L' . $ID . '/';
which you can use in your link.html template as
<a href="<%rewrite_url($ID,$Title)%>"><%Title%></a>

The rewrite rule you need to add is something like

RewriteRule ^.*L([0-9]+)/?$ /Detailed/$1.html [L]

Iyengar Yoga Resources / GT Plugins

Last edited by:

yogi: Sep 11, 2002, 6:33 AM

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