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Products: Links 2.0: Installation -- Unix: Re: [bnjp] link.html line break problem...HELP!: Edit Log

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Re: [bnjp] link.html line break problem...HELP!
According the message Stealth sent me, this won't work. apparently the link.html will always insert a line break after each record. Maybe someone can give me a different idea as to how you would build an ssi include link on your category page using a single field from each record in a category. It needs to be on one line on the page, separated by commas.


<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/script.cgi?items=item1,item2,item3,item4" -->

this is with Items 1,2,3, and 4 being the same field in 4 different records in the database. In my case the ISBN#

I've been using links 2.0 for at least two years and have found that there is not much you cannot make it do. That's why I use it all through my site. This one I can't figure out.

If anyone is wondering, this is working on my page now, but only with one item at a time. So I have a ssi include for each link with really slows down the page. see http://smallgroups.com/bookstore/Software/ to see what I mean. I really need to be able to put 10 in one line separated by commas.

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bnjp: Jul 31, 2002, 3:35 PM

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