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Re: [Surfer2] Concerned

I think that e-mail is one of the most important services provided on the internet, yet I feel that GM is still in Beta stage!

Quite True.

I was also promised that some new features such as an improved address book would be included in 2.1. None of these materialized in 2.1 even though it took almost a month later than promised to release 2.1. The promises of 2.1 was what convinced me to buy GM!

Same here. While on Address book issue there is a post on the forum also months before 2.1 was rolled out



Even I was impressed with features planned with 2.1 release. I waited for six good months hoping that few of the enhancements were going to be delivered.

As I have already said I really like GM, but I strongly feel that Gossamer Threads isn't giving the program the attention and priority it needs. I have only seen one person working with GM (Adrian) and he often states that he doesn't have time to do things. I often see Gossamer Forum being updated! So why isn't more resources put in to make sure GM is bug free!!

So I have a GM user who shares the same feeling as me. We as clientns can only hope. Setting /getting the priorities is not within our prerogative. Only thing that we can do is keep on reporting the Bugs!!!! with the hope that before the sunset at leat there is someone to respond.

Truth is always harsh but only good guys always shun the idea of being a psychophants or rather being surrounded by a cotorie of ppl who always take the opportunity to talk only good things!


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anup123: Jul 25, 2002, 5:08 AM

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