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Re: [Paul] Iraq

3000 people losing thier lives is not a meager retaliation. It was a full frontal assult.

To put this in perspective Paul, the USS Arizona which was sunk in Pearl Harbor went down with 1100 men on board. The total losses from Pearl Harbor were equal to or less than the losses of 9/11. Pearl Harbor put us at war with Japan. 9/11 put us at war with terrorism.

edit: I should also add that the UK is VERY much a part of the Iraq issue and has and will continue to be a supporter of the ousting of Saddam.

A little trivia: Did you know that during the gikf war then president Bush was calling Saddam a nasty name everytime he said his name? Saddam (pronouncing it like the word SAD then um) is a derogatory term there. I laugh my rear off every time I see the old footage.

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Teambldr: Jul 22, 2002, 11:35 AM

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